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TVN24 News in English

Disciplinary Chamber says judge Tuleya should not be detained and taken to prosecutor

"I'm certain judge Adam Roch will allow to have me detained and forcibly taken in" - judge Igor Tuleya told TVN24 on Thursday. The Disciplinary Chamber, not recognised by the Supreme Court, has been examining his case for two days. "That's the cost of fighting to protect the rule of law" - the judge added. However, despite his worst predictions, later that evening, the chamber finally read the verdict, according to which judge Tuleya should not be detained.

600-year-old sword and equipment found "in exceptional condition"

History aficionado and detectorist Aleksander Miedwiediew has found a bare sword, a sheath, a knight's belt with two knives attached to it - all most likely date back to the times of Battle of Grunwald. The finder handed over the items to regional authorities, who in turn passed it over to the Battle of Grunwald Museum.

WHO reports Poland had highest mortality rate in Europe. Minister blames "two factors"

"Nearly all doctors working with COVID patients point out people report their condition far too late" - Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska told TVN24 on Thursday. He commented on the high number of deaths of COVID-19 patients. According to the WHO report for the last week, Poland had the highest mortality rate in Europe. Lawmaker from the PiS party and former deputy health minister Bolesław Piecha said the death rate was an aftermath of the third wave of the pandemic. Opposition MP Monika Wielichowska (Civic Coalition) said that PM Mateusz Morawiecki had mentioned Poland was a leading country in the fight against the pandemic, but "he didn't add we were leading the mortality rate list".

"It's not a shield I'm holding". Mysterious WWII-era finding

A film canister from the WWII era has been found in Lubań, Lower Silesia. The metal container is practically intact and, according to a local museum, hides an old film reel. Is there a film recorded on it, or more importantly, can it be played? These questions are to be answered real soon.

COVID-19 restrictions partially eased in some regions starting April 26

Starting April 26 in 11 regions, children in the first three years of primary school will partially resume lessons at schools. Hairdressing and beauty salons will also be opened - Health Minister Adam Niedzielski said on Wednesday. In the remaining 5 regions where the epidemiological situation is still difficult all restrictions will remain in place.

UEFA appoints Zbigniew Boniek as its vice-president

The chairman of Polish Football Association Zbigniew Boniek has been appointed vice-president of the Union of European Football Associations. Furthermore, his membership in the UEFA Executive Committee has been extended for another four years. "This is a huge, individual acknowledgement of his work done so far as member of UEFA Executive Committee and PZPN Chairman!" - spokesperson for Poland's FA Maciej Sawicki said.

Memorial cube marking Ringelblum Archive discovery unveiled

A glass cube has been unveiled at Nowolipki street on the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The installation marks the exact spot where part of the Ringelblum Archive was found. The documents are an account describing the horrors the Jewish people were subjected to during the Holocaust.

"A prominent symbol of Jewish resistance". Diplomats and ambassadors pay tribute to Warsaw Ghetto Heroes

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising broke out exactly 78 years ago, on April 19, 1943. To mark the anniversary, foreign diplomats stationed in Poland paid their respects to the fallen heroes. "We remember those who had the courage to oppose tyranny and who put everything on the line, knowing that the chances for freedom were slim" - Chargé d'Affaires in the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw Bix Aliu wrote in a statement.

78th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Sound of blaring sirens could be heard across Warsaw at noon on Monday. This is a symbolic form of homage to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. This year is the 78th anniversary of the outbreak of the rising.

Who's that girl? Museum wants to identify woman from Chris Niedenthal's photo

"Who is the woman in Chris Niedenthal's famous photo? A student renting the flat, owners' daughter, friend of the family, or maybe it's her apartment?" - Wrocław Museum of Architecture asks for help in identifying the young woman from a photograph taken in early 1980s. They already follow first leads, but any help would still be welcome.

PM: herd immunity "highly likely" by the end of June

"Today we stand a chance to defeat the pandemic, but first we all should want to get vaccinated" - Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Friday in Gdańsk. He also said it was "highly likely" for Poland to develop herd immunity by the end of the second quarter of 2021.

Poland's oldest living male celebrates his 111th birthday

Stanisław Kowalski has turned 111 on April 14, 2021. Only a few years back, the oldest living male in Poland was still taking part in athletic competitions. Nowadays, he no longer runs and throws the discus or the hammer, but simply enjoys his retirement. According to those who spent his birthday with him, Mr Kowalski "still has plenty of life energy and is in good spirits".