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TVN24 News in English

"Maybe not Dubai, but at least a second Bavaria". Kaczyński in southeastern Poland

Maybe not Dubai, but at least a second Bavaria, that's what Jaroslaw Kaczyński has told the residents of Jasionka, southeastern Poland. He hinted that's what their region will be like after local elections, as long as they vote for Law and Justice. Because, according to PM Morawiecki, it's the only true Polish party. It was a little bit worse for Law and Justice's city council candidates in Radomsko, who barged in a hospital intensive care unit. Their good intentions went horribly wrong.

"Breaking the chains" for animal rights. Events in cities all over Poland

They chained themselves up to doghouses to fight for animal rights. For the 12th time, throughout Poland there was the "Zerwijmy łańcuchy" (Breaking the chains) event. The organisers of the awareness campaign is the website. Singers, actors, journalists and passersby joined in. They hope that Poles will learn that keeping dogs on chains is inhumane and simply wrong.

EU's Donald Tusk says Brexit deal possible by end of 2018

European Council President Donald Tusk said on Saturday it was possible to agree a deal with Britain on leaving the European Union by the end of 2018. Speaking on the sidelines of a conference in Krakow, Poland, Tusk said: "We will try for it in October ... and I think there is a chance to have an accord by the end of the year."

Expert witness will issue an opinion regarding the accident involving president's motorcade

The investigators are looking into the accident involving a young boy and a police car from President Duda's motorcade in Oświęcim. They called in an expert witness who will issue an opinion on the wounds of the victim. The spokesperson for the police in Oświęcim announced that although doctors claimed there were no serious injuries, the expert opinion will have to made regardless.

Race for votes. Another weekend of conventions two weeks before the local elections

In only two weeks local elections will be held. In the run-up, we have another weekend of conventions. In Lublin, the prime minister promised another round of large-scale investments and the chairman of Law and Justice said the situation is clear: either politicians from the past or the "good change". In Bydgoszcz, the opposition reminded voters of the tape scandal in which new recordings of Mateusz Morawiecki have been uncovered.

Priest sentenced for growing marijuana. He was put on 10 months' probation

A priest in Western Poland has been sentenced for growing marijuana. Despite a full confession and penitence, he was found guilty. He will at least avoid penitentiary, as he received a suspended sentence. His bishop has relieved him from his duties as a priest and is currently waiting to learn his further fate in a priests' retirement home.

Law and Justice leader stands up for prime minister Morawiecki amid tape scandal

The so-called tape scandal with secret recordings of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, before he became PM, continues. Mr Morawiecki can be heard offering help, sinecures for his friends and their children. Ahead of local elections, this could be difficult for the ruling party, but nevertheless, the party leader Jarosław Kaczyński has decided to close ranks and defend the PM he nominated. The opposition now is saying that the revelation of these new recordings could be due to a strife within the party.

Spanish court uncertain of extraditing a Polish citizen back home

Once again a European Court is questioning the independence of Polish judiciary. A court in Madrid has made inquiries on the rule of law in Poland, before it would extradite a Polish citizen. This is only the latest example of the European country having reservations regarding the guarantee of a fair trial in Poland. This is due the recent controversial changes to the judicial system.

Driver of Porsche that killed a man in Slovakia accident is under arrest

The driver of the Porsche who caused a deadly accident that killed a 57-year-old man in Slovakia has been arrested and placed in temporary detention pending arraignment. The second man who was also taking part in the illegal street-race in Dolny Kubin will be released as long as he posts bail. The third man is free and awaiting trial.

Law and Justice MP threatens with a lawsuit for bringing up his defense of paedophile priest

Law and Justice representative Stanisław Piotrowicz threatened representative Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus with a lawsuit for her online comment. She encouraged people to read and share information about the then prosecutor Piotrowicz dismissed a case against a paedophile priest. It concerns a parson that was later convicted of paedophilia. Mr Piotrowicz insists that he was not responsible for throwing out the case and he had nothing to do with it. Ms Scheuring-Wielgus, on the other hand, also highlighted the comment which Mr Piotrowicz made, concerning the way the priest behaved with children.

Protesting nurses from Przemyśl met with health minister in Warsaw

They've been on a hunger strike for the last month and on Thursday they came to Warsaw. Nurses from Przymyśl are agitated by the words of Law and Justice about their protest. They wanted to visit the Sejm to voice their opinion, but the Marshal of the Sejm and the Marshal's Guard wouldn't let them in.

Anti-vaccination movement in Poland is getting stronger. Doctors are warning of epidemic

To vaxx, or not to vaxx. 121,000 people signed a project bill that would liquidate the requirement to vaccinate children against infectious diseases. In most cases it would leave the decision to the parents. Those in medical community though, claim that there is no justification to not vaccinate children and that the claims of the anti-vaxxer movement are fake news. But still the citizens' initiative introducing the anit-vaccination bill wan not thrown out. The majority in the Sejm voted to send the bill to the committee.

Polish President accuses judges protesting reforms of violating the Constitution

The row over the Supreme Court continues to rage. Tensions were ramped up by both sides recently, in part due to the Polish President claiming that judges protesting against reforms are violating the Constitution. Judges and lawyers, in turn, claim that the President is the one breaching the fundemental act. The European Court of Justice will have its hands full with cases regarding the Polish judiciary. There's a pending lawsuit from the European Commission and questions for a preliminary ruling from the Supreme Court.