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TVN24 News in English

Government wants to protect firms affected by lockdown from cheap takeover

Deputy PM Jadwiga Emilewicz announced on Tuesday the government would present a set of proposals later this week that would protect Polish companies struck by the coronavirus lockdown from being taken over on the cheap by private equity funds. "This is also taking care that Polish companies, which have been built laboriously for 30 years, do not become a cheap target in this difficult situation," Emilewicz told a press conference.

Ruling coalition junior partner in talks with opposition over delaying presidential election

Former Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin and his Agreement party - a junior partner in the ruling coalition led by Law and Justice (PiS) - on Monday began talks with opposition Civic Platform (PO) party aimed at delaying the presidential election scheduled for May 10. PiS wants to carry out the election as planned, but only through postal voting. Agreement wants the election to be postponed until 2022.

U.S. Ambassador stands behind "Fakty" TVN and Discovery

U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, commented in a tweet on the announcement made last week by "Fakty" TVN anchor Grzegorz Kajdanowicz on behalf of the editorial team, in response to a wave of attacks on TVN and its journalists, made by state-owned TVP television.

Health minister: postal voting only safe way for next two years

Polish Health Minister Łukasz Szumowski said on Friday the nearest time safe elections in traditional form are possible would be in two years. He added the only other safe way to hold elections would be by post. Poland is scheduled to hold a presidential election in May and the ruling nationalists Law and Justice (PiS) have advocated a postal vote. As of Friday evening, Poland had reported 8379 cases of the coronavirus and 332 deaths.

Parks and forests to reopen. Government eases some coronavirus restrictions

Polish government announced a 4-stage plan to ease restrictions imposed on citizens in fight against the coronavirus spread. Green spaces, such as parks and forests, will reopen from April 20, and more people will be allowed in shops at one time. "These steps ... do not mean the epidemic is over," Health Minister Łukasz Szumowski stressed at a conference on Thursday. Poles are required to wear protective masks in public places at all times.

Ruling coalition seeks opposition support for presidential term extension. Abortion bill goes to commitee

Chairman of junior coalition member Agreement, former deputy PM Jarosław Gowin, announced on Thursday his faction would seek cross-party support for the plan to extend president's term up to seven years, which would keep incumbent Andrzej Duda in office until 2022. As a constitutional change, this would require opposition backing to secure the necessary two-thirds approval. In the meantime, citizens' bill tightening abortion laws has been sent to parliamentary commission for detailed analysis.

Parliament ready to vote on stricter abortion rules after heated debate

Polish parliament on Wednesday a citizens' initiative to further tighten already strict abortion rules. "We are talking about whether in Poland we can cut people into pieces without anaesthetic," Kaja Godek, one of the authors of the proposal, told parliament. Barbara Nowacka, a leftist member of parliament said the initiative would only expose poor women to fear. Spokeswoman for the ruling Law and Justice party said that parliament would probably vote on Thursday to send the measure to a committee for further deliberations.

Lower house to vote on bill denouncing sex educators as paedophiles and gay activists

A draft law that, if passed, would allow prison sentences for sex educators is among other highly controversial bills the Polish lower house, the Sejm, is set to vote over on Thursday. The underlying idea behind the project is, as its authors claim, that paedophiles and LGBT+ activists often use sex education to "groom and familiarise children with homosexuality". Since coming to power in 2015, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has targeted LGBT+ rights as an invasive foreign influence that threatens Poland's national identity.

PiS proposed constitutional changes to secure another 2 years for president Duda

The ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) have put forward a draft legislation that would extend presidential mandate from five to seven years. The move would require amending the constitution. If passed, the law would extend President Andrzej Duda's, a PiS ally, term up to 2022. The election next month has been clouded in uncertainty amid restrictions on public life imposed to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Sejm to debate stricter abortion laws and other controversial bills

Polish lower house is to proceed over draft laws, put forward as citizens' initiative, that would further limit instances in which abortion would be legal. The ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party had once already backed out from pushing stricter anti-abortion rules after massive protest staged across the country. This time PiS is under fire for attempting to pass the controversial agenda when coronavirus restrictions made public gatherings illegal. Despite the restrictions, some women, standing apart and wearing face masks, protested on Tuesday in Kraków, while in Warsaw some drivers stuck "Women's Strike" protest banners in their car windows. By Wednesday, about 700,000 people had signed an online petition to the government to oppose the proposal. Several other citizens' bills are also on the agenda on Wednesday, highlighting a growing presence of conservative and far-right voices in public debate.

Human Rights Watch: Polish gov't uses lockdown to push tougher anti-abortion laws

Poland's lower house is ready to debate the proposals on abortion and sexual education that were submitted during the last term and must be discussed by May. The former bill is aimed to tighten already very strict abortion rules, seriously affecting rights and safety of women in the country. The latter, on the other hand, may violate the right of children to comprehensive sexuality education. Critics accuse Poland's ruling Law and Justice party of trying to push the controversial and widely protested agenda through parliament in the time of coronavirus chaos. Human Rights Watch is one of the institutions speaking against the idea. "The Polish government's focus during the pandemic should be to protect people's health and rights, not diminish them."

Poland to start gradually lifting coronavirus restrictions on April 19

Restrictions imposed in Poland to curb the spread of coronavirus will most likely be gradually lifted starting April 19, government officials informed on Tuesday. Shops would be the first facilities to see the limitations withdrawn. Poland's borders will remain closed until May 3. The number of coronavirus infections has gone up to 7,049 with 251 deaths.

Poland critical of Russia 10 years after Smolensk air crash

The 10th anniversary of Smolensk crash commemorations were held in a low key fashion on Friday (April 10) due to coronavirus crisis. Senior officials laid wreaths at a monument in Warsaw to honour late president Lech Kaczyński, his wife Maria, and 94 others who died in the crash. Poland has yet again asked Russia to return the wreckage of the presidential Tupolev. Russia, in turn, has released a video showing the wreckage and an official stating there was no evidence of an explosion on board the plane.

EU backs 115-million-euro economy relief plan by Polish government

The European Commission informed on Friday (April 10) it has green-lighted Poland's government plan to aid the country's economy, suffering due to coronavirus crisis. The 115-million-euro scheme is meant to partially cover interest on business loans and will take the form of direct grants.

Government extends coronavirus restrictions almost up to May election

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Health Minister Łukasz Szumowski on Thursday announced restrictions on citizens have been further extended in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Borders will be shut until May 3, businesses will remain locked down until April 19 and limits for schools, as well as rail and air transport, will be extended for another two weeks.

CJEU suspends Disciplinary Chamber of Polish Supreme Court

Poland should immediately suspend the powers of a Supreme Court chamber created to discipline judges since it is not independent and thereby in breach of EU law, the European Union's top court ruled on Wednesday. The decision comes as a blow to Poland and its ruling euroskeptic Law and Justice party (PiS), which has been at odds with the EU's executive arm, over its judiciary reforms since it took power in 2015.

Rights watchdogs concerned with Poland's push to hold presidential election despite epidemic

After Polish lower house has approved an idea to hold presidential election by postal voting, critics raise concerns regarding transparency and fairness of the planned ballot. "I urge lawmakers to think carefully about the consequences of their decision," the head of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, said in a statement. The upper house - the Senate - which is controlled by the opposition, now has 30 days to consider the bill, though it effectively cannot reject it.

Sejm pushes postal voting for presidential election after PiS ordered party discipline

Poland's lower house on Monday passed a legislation green-lighting postal voting in May 10 presidential election. Earlier on that that the chamber rejected the first draft submitted by the ruling Law and Justice party, which the critics accuse of risking public health only to make sure their candidate, incumbent Andrzej Duda, gets re-elected. In the late-evening vote, however, PiS enforced party discipline and managed to push their agenda through the Sejm.

Lower house rejects plan to hold presidential election via postal voting

Poland's lower house, the Sejm, on Monday (April 6) voted against the plan to hold presidential election as scheduled on May 10 but by postal voting. The ruling Law and Justice party maintains the election should take place. The critics, on the other hand, accuse the party of putting the incumbent Andrzej Duda's reelection before public health. Earlier on Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin, of junior coalition member party Agreement, announced his resignation over the election issue, saying the vote should be postponed until 2022. Poland has confirmed 4,413 coronavirus infections so far with 107 deaths.

EU Commission approves 22 bln euro of state aid for Polish businesses

The European Commission has rubber-stamped a 13-billion-euro state aid programme for the Portuguese economy, a 22-billion-euro plan of state guarantees for Poland and a 2-billion-euro scheme for Greece. "This Polish guarantee scheme will help Polish businesses affected by the current coronavirus crisis cover their immediate working capital and investment needs," Commission Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager said in a statement.

Nearly 3,000 coronavirus infections in Poland. 57 deaths

Health ministry informed on Thursday (April 2) evening about 392 new cases of coronavirus infection, which was the highest number to the date. The total number has therefore gone up 2,946. Furthermore, another 7 deaths have been confirmed, taking the tally up to 57. Many high government officials support the idea of holding presidential elections in May, possibly strictly via postal voting. The opposition stresses that such solution would only put life and health of citizens at risk.

Lower house rejects Senate's amendments to coronavirus rescue package

The Sejm on Tuesday passed a coronavirus rescue package, known as the "anti-crisis shield", but rejected the majority of amendments proposed by the opposition-controlled Senate. The rejected changes included additional 20 billion zloty in healthcare spending, mandatory weekly coronavirus tests for all healthcare workers and broadened exemptions for firms to pay social security payments.

Poland imposes further restrictions on citizens to tackle coronavirus spread

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced in Tuesday (March 31) further restrictions have been imposed to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. The new rules include keeping 2-meter distance in public places, special shopping hours for the elderly. All previously introduced measures remain binding. A fine from 5,000 up to 30,000 zloty may be imposed for violation of those regulations.