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"Politico": President Duda likely to meet with Trump in Washington soon

Poland's president Andrzej Duda is likely to visit the White House soon to meet with American counterpart Donald Trump, "Politico" reported on Wednesday. A source in Trump administration was quoted as saying the visit could take place next week. The potential meeting of the two leaders is likely to coincide with announcing of the increase in the number of American troops stationed in Poland.

NATO military exercises in Poland resumed after coronavirus crisis

NATO's military exercises resumed this month in Poland as Warsaw eyes hosting withdrawing U.S. troops based in Germany. President Donald Trump confirmed the withdrawal of some 9.500 soldiers on Monday. Approximately 6,000 U.S. and Polish soldiers are taking part in Defender-Europe 20 Plus drills, initially planned in May and billed as NATO's biggest war games in Europe since the Cold War, but scaled down and modified due to COVID-19 epidemic.

EU's Jourova chides homophobic comments used in Poland's presidential campaign

"I would like to recall that under the EU law, as well as under the Polish constitution, each individual is equal, regardless of his or her race, religion or sexual orientation," vice president of the EU Commission Vera Jourova said on Monday. Her words referred to anti-LGBT comments made by the members of Poland's nationalist ruling party, as well as president Andrzej Duda, ahead of the presidential election scheduled for June 28.

"Fort Trump" to remain a pipe dream?

Poland's grand proposal in 2018 to name a military base in honor of Donald Trump, in return for the U.S. president placing a permanent presence there, has crumbled amid disputes over how to fund the deployment and where to garrison the soldiers, sources say.

Record daily coronavirus peak in Poland

Health Ministry informed on Tuesday that 13,196 people have recovered after contracting coronavirus in Poland so far. On Monday, however, Poland recorded the highest number of daily infections since the start of the pandemic, taking the overall number up to 27,365.

More borders open up across EU, internal traffic by the end of June

Poland and the Baltic states will open their borders to each other next week in an easing of coronavirus travel restrictions, Lithuanian Prime Minister said on Friday after a video conference with his Polish counterpart. Furthermore, the Czech Republic has opened its borders with all neighbouring countries except Poland, which should join soon. All internal EU borders will most likely open by the end of June.

Protest against racism and police violence in front of US embassy in Warsaw

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside U.S. embassy in Warsaw on Thursday (June 4) to protest against racism and U.S. police violence. American citizen George Floyd died after a police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes, video footage showed, sparking outrage across the United States and beyond. Protests in the country have turned violent.

PiS government wins self-called confidence vote

Poland's ruling nationalists won a vote of confidence on Thursday, as they sought to shore up their authority amid a series of incidents that have threatened to derail the election campaign of their ally, incumbent President Andrzej Duda. Poland will hold the first round of its presidential election on June 28. The election was originally scheduled for May 10 but voting could not take place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Presidential election on June 28. Potential run-off two weeks later

The speaker of Poland's lower chamber of parliament, Elżbieta Witek, has scheduled presidential election for June 28. Initially, the vote was supposed to take place in May 10, but it was called off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Should a run-off be necessary, it will take place two weeks later on July 12.

Charges for IKEA manager who fired employee for homophobic remarks

A Polish prosecutor has charged an IKEA manager with religious discrimination for firing an employee who called homosexuality "an abomination" on the company's internal website. At the same time, a Warsaw-based court rejected a private prosecution filed against an anti-LGBT activists Kaja Godek, who had said homosexuals want to adopt children only to abuse them.

Kaczyński: presidential vote no later than June 28

The last possible date that Poland could hold a presidential election on is June 28, the leader of the ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party said on Wednesday, amid deepening conflict surrounding the timing of the vote. The date of Poland's presidential election, originally scheduled for May 10, remains uncertain, with PiS accusing the opposition-controlled Senate of delaying tactics designed to help their main candidate's chances.

Further coronavirus restrictions to be lifted from Saturday on

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has announced the details of the next stage of loosening coronavirus restrictions in Poland. The changes are to include lifting of the duty to wear protective masks in public places, as well as of limited number of customers in shops and restaurants.

Health minister denies accusations over coronavirus equipment procurement

Polish Health Minister Łukasz Szumowski denied on Monday any wrongdoing as he reacted to accusations of inadequate supervision over procurement of equipment to help combat the coronavirus pandemic. The allegations against Szumowski, a popular politician in the nationalist government, have hit the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party before a presidential election expected at the end of June or early July, according to political scientists.

Małgorzata Manowska becomes new Chief Justice of Supreme Court

"I will do my best to make sure the Supreme Court remains the backbone of judicial independence and freedom of courts," the newly appointed Chief Justice of Poland's top court Małgorzata Manowska said on Tuesday. Critics underscore that President Andrzej Duda has decided not to appoint a candidate who has received twice as many votes from his peers as Manowska has. The president also nominated judge Michał Laskowski to head the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Five million infections across the globe. Poland near 20,000

Lab test have confirmed 245 further coronavirus infections in Poland, including 189 in the southern province of Silesia. Another 3 deaths have also been confirmed by Poland's Health Ministry on Thursday (May 21). In total, 19,983 coronavirus infection cases have been confirmed in Poland so far, with 965 deaths. The global number of infection has passed 5 million cases.