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Nationwide restrictions imposed starting Saturday, March 20

Limited services in shopping hall, closed hotels, swimming pools, theatres and cinemas - all this and many more other restrictions will be in place from Saturday on across Poland. The official ordinance was published on Friday in the Journal of Laws.

"He's resting after a wild journey". Runaway cat found 300 kilometres from home

Now, he's is resting after a wild journey, but only a few days ago, he lived in a shelter. Lovely white cat from the photo had left his home and ended up 300 kilometres away in the city of Poznań. It remains a mystery how he had managed to travel that far. His despaired owners were on the brink of losing hope to see their pet ever again. They were lucky as the cat was only moments from being adopted.

Warsaw mayor proposes naming southern bridge after a queen

Anna Jagiellonka Bridge - soon this could be the new name of the recently opened southern bridge in Warsaw. Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski has put forward the proposal, but the city councillors have said the decision would be made at a later stage. They have decided, however, about naming boardwalks and alleys in central Warsaw after famous Polish women.

Poles seek leisure in countries that are still open despite COVID risks

In a world put to a hold due to the pandemic there are still places open for tourists. More and more Poles choose to travel to those countries and ignore the fact adhering to coronavirus restrictions there are rather low. The most glaring example is Tanzania, along with its tropical island of Zanzibar. Since April, 2020, the country has not been reporting about the infection rates, and its president John Magufuli likened COVID-19 to flu and reassured the disease could be tackled by prayer. John Magufuli died on Tuesday, March 16. Officially - due to heart complications. Many speculate, however, that coronavirus might have been the real cause of death.

EMA on AstraZeneca: "This is a safe and effective vaccine"

The EU's drug watchdog said on Thursday it is still convinced the benefits of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the risks following an investigation into reports of blood clots that prompted more than a dozen nations to suspend its use.

Singer Andrzej Piaseczny tested positive for coronavirus

"I also thought it would be a piece of cake for me, but after 10 days of staying home sick I've ended up here" - singer Andrzej Piaseczny said in a video he recorded in a hospital on Wednesday. The artists has been undergoing oxygen therapy.

WHO recommends using AstraZeneca vaccine

A World Health Organization (WHO) vaccine safety panel said on Wednesday that it considers that the benefits of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine outweigh its risks and recommends that vaccinations continue.

The highest number of coronavirus infections this year

"It's not a really serious problem, but this bad atmosphere and dark PR recently surrounding the AstraZeneca company has been already taking its toll" - the chief of prime minister's office Michał Dworczyk told TVN24 on Wednesday. He added that vaccination centres across Poland have been alarming that dozens of percent of people do not report for vaccination. On Wednesday, the country reported the highest number of infections this year.

"Who's the girl in the photo?" Mystery solved

The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) has recently asked for help in identifying a young woman shown in a vintage photograph. Internet users have came to the rescue. It turns out that the woman in the picture is Maria Barr, Polish wife of British pilot Philip Rex Barr, who was the leader of the No. 107 RAF Squadron. After he went missing over Holland, Maria accepted on behalf a posthumous decoration awarded by King George VI. It was exactly during this ceremony when the photo was taken.

Polish cinematographer nominated for Oscar

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced the list of nominees for this year's Academy Awards. Among the candidates is Polish cinematographer Dariusz Wolski for his work in "News of the World" directed by Paul Greengrass.

"Who's the girl in the photo?" IPN wants to find the identity of a military woman

The Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) has published a vintage photo showing a young woman wearing a Polish military uniform. "We would like to learn the story of an unidentified girl photographed over 70 years ago in one of English streets" - the institute wrote in a Facebook post. "We want to find out if she continued her emigration, or maybe she returned to her war-ravaged homeland" - the IPN said.

Five drawings showing Warsaw Ghetto. Identity of the mysterious artist finally confirmed


For decades after the WWII he was known only through his works - the five grim drawings documenting the misery of children in the Warsaw Ghetto. The Ringelblum Archive only mentions the author's surname and his name's initial. Dr Agnieszka Żółkiewska of the Jewish Historical Institute managed to find accounts of people who had known the mysterious artists. Who was B. Rozenfeld?

EMA, WHO and health ministry say it's safe to use AstraZeneca vaccine

"There are no signs showing the formations of blood clots in people vaccinated with AstraZeneca shots were caused by the vaccine" - the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said on Friday. Earlier on, Health Ministry spokesman Wojciech Andrusiewicz also said that the vaccine was safe to use.

Polish photojournalist Robert Bociaga detained in Myanmar

Reports from Myanmar have been coming in about a Polish journalist Robert Bociaga being beaten and arrested by Myanmar's military. Poland's foreign ministry told TVN24 that efforts have been made to contact the detained man as soon as possible and to learn as much as possible about his conditions.

PM's aide: AstraZeneca reduces vaccine batch for Poland by 550,000 in March

AstraZeneca will reduce the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses delivered to Poland by 550,000 in March, the prime minister's top aide Michał Dworczyk said on Friday. He also informed that an amendment would be submitted next week allowing not only doctors, but also medical staff to qualify patients for vaccination.