TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Coronavirus: 16,878 new infections and 481 deaths

Poland's Health Ministry informed on Thursday about 16,878 new cases of coronavirus infection and 481 COVID-related deaths. Since the start of the pandemic Poland has reported 4,265,433 COVID-19 infections and 101,419 deaths related to the disease. Government spokesman Piotr Müller told TVN24 about prime minister's approach to the question of introducing vaccination duty for teachers, and a project of allowing employers to demand COVID tests from employees.

Court: Virgin Mary in rainbow halo not offensive to religious feelings

Rainbow is not offensive, the District Court in Płock said and upheld a not guilty sentence for three activists accused of insulting religious feelings. In 2019, the three women posted images around the St. Dominic Church in Płock showing Virgin Mary in a rainbow halo. This way they wanted to stand up for the rights of LGBTQIA people in Poland. "Full marks for this verdict, we're innocent," said Elżbieta Podleśna, one of the activists.

PKN Orlen sells assets to carry on with Lotos merger

Poland's state-owned oil giant PKN Orlen informed on Wednesday that Saudi Aramco (officially the Saudi Arabian Oil Company) would buy shares in a refinery owned by Lotos, whose 417 gas stations would be taken over by Hungary's MOL oil and gas conglomerate. In a separate deal, Lotos' fuel warehouses will be bought by Poland's Unimot group. The signed agreements are necessary steps Orlen needs to take in order to complete its merger with Lotos. Selling a certain part of the target company's assets is one of the conditions set out by the European Commission.

Strongest passports index. Polish document highest in history

Polish passport allows holders to visit 183 countries and territories without a visa, according to the latest Henley Passport Index 2022. Japanese and Singapourean documents allow travellers to the borders of as many as 192 countries and territories, the highest number in the ranking. The top ten has been dominated by EU states passports.

Three people injured in gas pipeline fire in Cesarka village

Three people have been injured in a fire caused by a leak in a gas pipeline in Cesarka, a village located in Łódź Voivodeship. "The gas caught fire and the flames were approx. 10 meters tall," said Jędrzej Pawlak from Voivodeship Fire Service Headquarters in Łódź.

Sejm to debate controversial education reform bill

Polish lawmakers are expected to debate on Wednesday a nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party bill that critics say could curb access to teaching on LGBT and reproductive rights and give the ruling PiS more control over schools.

"Aggressive and stigmatising language". Court nullifies anti-LGBT resolutions

The Voivodeship Administrative Court in Kraków has nullified resolutions counteracting "LGBT ideology", adopted by Lipinki municipal council and Tarnów county council. The court pointed out among other things "aggressive and stigmatising language of the resolutions". The decision is not yet final, but activist groups do not hide their satisfaction with the ruling.

MFA fires plenipotentiary for dialogue with Jewish diaspora

Minister of Foreign Affaires Plenipotentiary for Dialogue with the Jewish Diaspora Jarosław Nowak has been recalled from office. In an interview for "Jewish News" a few days ago, Nowak criticised Polish government's policy on Jewish minorities, calling an amendment to law on IPN from 2018 "one of the stupidest amendment ever".

December inflation at level unseen in 21 years

Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in December 2021, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 8.6% (price index 108.6), and as related to the previous month increased by 0.9% (price index 100.9) - Poland's state-run agancy Statistics Poland said on Friday.

Eurofound report: young Poles and Spaniards least optimistic about EU's future

"Young people nowadays have much worse starting position than a few years ago, and things like promotion, income level, and as a result making a living, will be harder to achieve," psychologist and sociologist Doctor Joanna Heidtman said in TVN24 on Friday. She commented on a Eurofound report "Impact of COVID-19 on Young People in the EU", according to which only 37% of young Poles, aged 18-29, look to future with optimism. Among all EU states, only young people from Spain had lower percentage of optimistic predictions - 35%.

Kaczyński admits Poland purchased Pegasus spying software. Media reactions

"The unusual thing is that Kaczyński completely discarded the narrative his own government has used so far," Gazeta Wyborcza journalist Wojciech Czuchnowski told TVN24 on Friday. He was referring to a fragment of Jarosław Kaczyński's interview for right-wing "Sieci" weekly magazine, in which the leader of the ruling PiS party admitted the government had purchased Pegasus spying software. "Superwizjer" TVN journalist Bertold Kittel said that those in power "will do whatever they can to sweep this case under the carpet".

Central bank chief: I will be recommending further raising of interest rates

Inflation in the first quarter of 2022 will partially decrease thanks to anti-inflationary shield, but increase again in the second quarter to reach its peak at around 8% in June, the Governor of the National Bank of Poland Adam Glapiński said at a press conference on Wednesday. He added that, based on current forecasts, he would recommend the Monetary Policy Council increase interest rates further by at least 50 basis points.

"I'm sleeping, don't call". Rescue team called off with this message from tourist

Rescuers from Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue (TOPR) received information about a tourist in need of help. The man called to report he was experiencing acute shortness of breath. TOPR launched a search-and-rescue mission and began checking shelters, valleys, and asked a drone operator for help. The following day, the mission was called off as the tourist had sent a text message in which he asked not to bother him as he was sleeping.

CCTV caught unusual behaviour of drivers in Warsaw's new tunnel

Over half a million drivers have already driven through the recently opened tunnel which is part of Warsaw's southern ring road. Some of them did some weird things to say the least, others acted in a downright dangerous and illegal manner. One of them decided to... stand on his head.

Monetary Policy Council raises interest rates again to tackle inflation

Poland's Monetary Policy Council (RPP) decided to increase the NBP reference rate by 0.50 percentage points, i.e. to 2.25%. "Striving to decrease inflation to the NBP target in the medium term, the Council decided to increase NBP interest rates again. The increase of the NBP interest rates will also curb inflation expectations," the RPP said in a press release from Tuesday's session.

Old forester's lodge in Kabaty to be renovated by the city

A 19th-century wooden forester's lodge located at Rydzowa Street in Warsaw's southernmost residential neighbourhood of Kabaty will get renovated, Warsaw City Hall announced. The renovation, under the watch of the city historic preservation office, will take 18 months.