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TVN24 News in English

Marek Kuchciński enters government and takes over as PM's office chief

President Andrzej Duda on Wednesday (October 12) appointed former speaker of parliament and current deputy chief of the ruling PiS party Marek Kuchciński as Minister - Member of the Council of Ministers. The president thanked Kuchciński - who will take over as chief of prime minister's office - for stepping up "in these difficult times, when just like the rest of Europe and rest of the world, we are struggling with a whole range of economic problems, mostly caused by the Russian invasion into Ukraine, when there's so much unrest".

Polish ambassador in Kyiv: Ukrainian people expect the state to continue the fight

Poland's Ambassador to Ukraine, Bartosz Cichocki, told TVN24 on Wednesday (October 12) that the Ukrainian people expect the state authorities "to continue the fight" against the Russians. "Ukrainians have lost too many relatives, too many Ukrainian people have lost their homes to back down now. They have nowhere to back down to, you can sense a very patriotic mood in the air," he added.

PISM director: Russia's attack on Ukraine makes no sense from a military point of view


From a military point of view, it makes absolutely no sense, but the Russian elite shares an expectation that this war will be run at a much higher cost for Ukraine - Director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs Sławomir Dębski told TVN24 on Tuesday (October 11). He was referring to the recent missile attacks on Ukrainian cities carried out by Russia, as well as the situation at the Kremlin.

President Duda and NATO chief Stoltenberg held "urgent consultations" on Russia's attack on Ukraine

Poland's President Andrzej Duda and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg held urgent consultations on Monday (October 10) regarding the Russian bombardment of civilian targets in Ukraine - Polish president's office informed. NATO chief said in a tweet he and Duda discussed "continued support from NATO Allies to Ukraine" and thanked the Polish leader for his country's "key contributions" in that regard. Earlier that day, Duda had also spoken with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskiy. "We discussed the necessity to isolate Russia, which today had committed mass war crime," he wrote.

Mayors and local government leaders protested in Warsaw against soaring energy prices

Mayors and local governors from all over Poland on Friday (October 7) staged a protest in Warsaw against spiking energy prices. They argued that their cities and towns were in "an uneven fight" against companies owned by the State Treasury, and demanded the Speaker of the Sejm launched an "urgent intervention, which will begin a process of stabilisation on the electric energy market".

Poland and nuclear sharing programme? Department of State comments

"The United States has no plans to deploy a nuclear weapon on NATO member territory that had joined NATO post-1997," U.S. Department of State spokesperson Vedant Patel said when asked about an interview in which Poland's President Andrzej Duda had mentioned his country's potential participation in the NATO nuclear sharing policy.

ECHR: Polish Disciplinary Chamber violated Human Rights Convention in case against judge Juszczyszyn

The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday (October 6) issued its ruling in the case of Polish judge Paweł Juszczyszyn. According to the verdict, three articles of the European Convention on Human Rights had been violated by the now-dissolved Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court of Poland: right to a fair trial, right to respect for private and family life, and limitation on use of restrictions of rights. Furthermore, the high court said the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court had not been an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.

Ylva Johannson: Putin wants to destroy the European Union, we must make sure he doesn't

Vladimir Putin is using energy as a weapon, he's trying to divide us, he's trying to put false narrative and propaganda on what causes this energy crisis, European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johannson said on Wednesday at the Warsaw Security Forum 2022 conference. "He wants to destroy the European Union - we should not be naive," she added. The Commissioner also listed the crucial issues the European Union has to deal with in order to keep itself safe.

Monetary Policy Council leaves interest rates unchanged

Poland's Monetary Policy Council announced in a statement on Wednesday (October 5) it decided to leave the NBP interest rates on the same level as last month. This has been first such decision since October, 2021, when the series of interest rates increases began. Most experts were predicting another increase by 25 basis points. The main, reference rate has been set at 6.75%.

Tsikhanouskaya: there are no anti-Ukrainian moods in Belarusian army

"I doubt that our, Belarusian army will participate alongside Russian army, because first of all, there are no anti-Ukrainian moods among our army, and secondly, our army is not experienced, we don’t have anything to fight with," Belarusian dissident Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya told TVN24 on Tuesday during Warsaw Security Forum. She added that "any mobilisation of Belarusian people will be a political suicide for Lukashenka".

Poland and Britain strengthen defence relations by signing landmark agreements

Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister of Poland Mariusz Błaszczak handed soldiers of the 18th Anti-Aircraft Regiment the certificates attesting that they had completed a course on operating the "Small Narew" system elements. "We are finalising another stage of Polish-British cooperation, which means strengthening of Polish Armed Forces, as well as of the resilience of the whole eastern flank," he said during the official ceremony in Zamość. The event was also attended by British Secretary of Defence Ben Wallace, who said: "As we face the threat from Russia, we need the equipment and the capabilities to safeguard our people and preserve European stability".

General Hodges: Ukraine has achieved irreversible momentum

Russia's President Vladimir Putin is doing everything he can tp break the West's cohesion, former commander of United States Army Europe, General Ben Hodges told TVN24 on Tuesday. "That's not gonna happen," he said, adding that "Ukraine is going to continue to defeat Russian forces". Furthermore, in his opinion, "Ukraine has achieved irreversible momentum".

World Bank: economic slowdown expected in Poland as "war dimmed prospects of post-pandemic recovery in Europe"

The Polish economy may grow at 1.6 percent next year when compared to 4.0 percent anticipated for 2022 and 3.6 percent forecasted in the previous edition of the report published in spring - according to the latest annual report published on Tuesday (October 4) by the World Bank. The slowdown is to be mainly affected by the war in Ukraine. "The global economy continues to be weakened by the war through significant disruptions in trade and food and fuel price shocks," says the report.

25 years of TVN. Kasia Kieli: we're entering the next 25 years stronger than ever

"We're entering the next 25 years stronger than ever before, because we're doing it as Warner Bros. Discovery. This opens completely new opportunities for us" - President & Managing Director Warner Bros. Discovery Poland and TVN CEO Kasia Kieli said on Monday morning in TVN24. She also expressed her gratitude to the viewers. "They are incredible, we can feel their sympathy for us, their support in every step we take, they are behind us also when times get tough," Kieli stressed.