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TVN24 News in English

Timmermans after Poland's hearing: we might take the case to the CJEU

European Commission's concerns regarding the rule of law in Poland are growing, said the Vice President of the EC, Frans Timmermans at a press conference after Poland's EU treaty Article 7 procedure hearing. He added that in regard to the issue of the Supreme Court, the commission will take all available measures.

EU source: Timmermans says situation in Polish judiciary has worsened

European commission Vice President, Frans Timmermans said behind closed doors during Poland's hearing at a European General Affairs Council that the situation in Polish judicial system has worsened, according to Polish Press Agency's (PAP) sources. Polish European affairs minister, Konrad Szymański, on the other hand, underscored that organisation of judicial systems is an exlusive competence of member-states.

Warsaw: King Sigismund III Vasa wrapped in a "Constitution T-shirt"

The monument of King Sigismund III Vasa in Warsaw had been wrapped in a T-shirt with the word "Constitution" on it. Activists from the Committee for the Defense of Democracy hung the shirt on the statue on Sunday during a demonstration in Warsaw. Several hundred people gathered for the protest. They carrieed the Polish and EU flags, and bore slogans like "Constittution" and "Free Courts".

Poll: 86 percent of Poles in favour of European Union membership

Once again surveyed Poles expressed their support of the membership in the EU. A decided majority is for it, which makes the anti-European rhetoric of Polish officials, even more surprising. The prime minister has spoken of ramblings from abroad not being scary, and the president called it an imaginary community, from which there wasn't much benefit for Poland. These are only the most recent comments which have the opposition speaking of Law and Justice's plan to remove Poland from the EU.

Iranian documentalist made a movie about a Polish woman who found refuge in Iran during WWII

A truly unique story about how the World War II immeasurably changed the fate of Poles and their descendants. In 1942, Maria Bajdan was deported with her parents to Soviet labour camps, from which she found her way to Iran and stayed there for the rest for her life. Her story has fascinated Narges Khargani, an Iranian documentary film director. Michał Sznajder met up with the director when she came to Poland, seking information for the movie she's making about Maria Bajdan.

"We vaccinate, we think". Activists from Wrocław launched vaccination campaign

A point system for vaccinations is an idea by activists from Wrocław, called "we vaccinate, we think". They want local governments to require them before children are enrolled in public nursery and preschools. The organisers of the initiative have prepared a draft bill and are collecting signatures for it to be taken up in the Sejm. In their opinion, new regulations mobilise more parents to vaccinate their children. As the amount of children not getting vaccinations is growing, diseases like measles are making a comeback.

Kantar Millward Brown poll: Law and Justice - 38 percent; Civic Platform - 21

If the elections were held in the coming days, 38 percent of voters would choose the coalition comprised of Law and Justice, Alliance and United Poland, according to the latest poll by Kantar Millward Brown for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. Civic Platform would come second with 21 percent. Modern Party would secure third result with 7 percent, which is a change in comparison with the previous poll.

"Superwizjer" TVN: Wisła Kraków board members connected to hooligan gangs

World of criminals and football come together. Hooligans from Wisła Kraków who are behind stadium brawls are not only responsible for dealing drugs and beatings, but also murder. They're an organised gang and have their own in the management of the club. Now, the club is trying to distance itself from the revelations made during the TVN's "Superwizjer" programme.

The ENCJ is to decide on Polish Judiciary Council's status in the organisation

On Monday, the European Network of Juciciary Councils, which meets in Bucharest, is to decide over the membership of the Polish judiciary council (KRS). "I'm confident about the question of law, not so much about politics, however," the spokesperson for the KRS Maciej Mitera has told the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

Controversy over video from the vote on candidates for the Supreme Court

A recording made during a voting by the National Council of the Judiciary on candidates for the Supreme Court has onlookers asking questions. The video shows judge Dagmara Pawełczyk-Woicka, a personal friend of Zbigniew Ziobro, who was appointed by him to president of Kraków's Regional Court, walking up to the minister of justice, just before she cast her voice. The voting was supposed to be secret ballot and many are now wondering whether or not she consulted her choices with the politician. The Deputy Minister of Justice, Patryk Jaki says everyone is overreacting, while the opposition maintains, the reforms to the judciary are a sham and that Law and Justice has judges on leashes.

Poland dismissed European Commission's concerns over Supreme Court as baseless

On the coming Wednesday, the European Commission in Brussels will discuss the issues of the rule of law in Poland and infringement procedure regarding the new Supreme Court law, a high-ranking EU official has told the Polish Press Agency (PAP). The source also informed that Poland has sent its answer to the European Commission, within infringement procedure dialogue regarding the Supreme Court law.

Tatra National Park launches anti-littering campaign

Tourists visiting Tatra mountains in southern Poland are leaving lots of trash behind. The local national park has launched a new campaign to encourage people to make sure those beautiful areas remain as garbage-free as possible.