TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Ryszard Petru leaves Modern Party

The founder and former leader of Modern Party announced on Friday that he’s leaving the formation. "Modern Party is like a child to me, but today it’s walking its own path", he added.

Stalemate after another talks in the Sejm

No agreement has been reached during another meeting between government representatives and protesting disabled people and their caretakers. "We’ve made many concessions," said family and social issues minister, Elżbieta Rafalska.

Hofman: another "corridor war" with journalists can't be won

"The second corridor war with the journalist will end exactly like the first one. The parliamentary authorities will have to step back," said Adam Hofman, former Law and Justice spokesperson in "Kropka nad i". He commented on the decision made by the Sejm speaker, Marek Kuchciński regarding denying access to parliament building to journalists without permanent pass.

Jacek Majchrowski will run for another tenure as mayor of Kraków

"Civic Platform leader, Mr Schetyna had visited me once and we had a very nice conversation. He told me that if run for another tenure as mayor, the whole opposition would support me," said Jacek Majchrowski, mayor of Kraków since 2002. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" announced on Thursday that he's going to run for a fifth tenure in a row. The guest of the first part of the programme was Professor Grzegorz Kołodko, former deputy prime minister and finance minister.

Polish drivers may soon be able not to carry IDs on them

Some good news for drivers. Currently in Poland, if you drove a car and forgot your license and registration, you'd pay a ticket if you got stopped by the police. This may change in the near future. The police will have access to all necessary information thanks to a special system. It is unclear, though, when those changes will come into effect.

Business news. Fuel prices will go up

Bad news for car owners in Poland. The fuel prices will go up. Luckily, there is a consolation as the extra money spent on gas will finance environment protection initiatives. Mateusz Walczak has more on that and other business news.

VAT fraud charges for president's legal advisor

The former deputy minister of justice Michał Królikowski has been detained. Investigators intend to announce charges against him regarding VAT fraud, as has learned unofficially. The charges are related to money laundering "on a very large scale". Recently, Mr Królikowski worked as president's legal advisor during the work on the judiciary reform, after Andrzej Duda vetoed Law and Justice's bill.

Navy soldiers join the search for the miners

Rescue operations have stepped up at the Zofiówka coal mine in order to find three miners who have been trapped underground since Saturday. Apart from the rescue divers present on the scene, Navy soldiers offered their help in the search in upper Silesia. Mountain search-and-rescue has also brought in a cadaver dog. Water is being removed because it makes it impossible to get to an area where signal is being recieved from a mining head lamp.

Completely drunk woman drove her daughter to school

She was so drunk that she was off the scale on the breathalyzer. In this condition a 42-year-old resident of Łódź drove her child to school. As she dropped her daughter off, witnesses took her keys and called the police. After the woman was taken to the police station, the breathalyzer showed a 0.41% blood alcohol concentration in the exhaled air, and only because that was the highest the device could go.

MP Żalek apologises parents of the disabled

He suggested that parents of children with disabilities might be degenerates and sometimes brutal murderers. Now, he has finally apologized. Law and Justice MP, Jacek Żalek met with the protesting parents of disabled people in the building of the parliament. At first, he didn't see why he should say he's sorry. However, given that even the ruling camp which he's a member of said that he took it too far, he might not have had a choice.

Court: protesters from Białowieża Forest not guilty

The court in Białystok effectively acquitted a group of ecological activists who took part in the protest against logging in the ancient Białowieża forest organized in June 2017. The police had accused the protesters of disturbing peace and causing public disorder.

Flooded area in the way of the search mission

For the 5th day, the rescuers are working franticly to reach the remaining three miners trapped underground. They are pushing meter by meter, forging their way through the ruins of the excavation site. The search crew received a signal from a head lamp of one of the miners. Unfortunately, in order to reach the miners, the rescuers will have to get through a flooded area that stands in their way. That's why special divers have been called in to the Zofiówka mine.

Sejm rejects vote of no confidence against the minister of culture, Piotr Gliński

A heated debate surrounded the vote of no confidence against the minister of culture. The result of the vote was not surprising, as Piotr Gliński will keep his position. The list of accusations is long and ranges from limiting artistic freedom to irregularities in the purchase of an art collection of the aristocratic Czartoryski family by the state. The deal was the biggest one time transfer of money to a private bank account in the history of Poland.

"A question of credibilty"

A voyage around the world to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Polish independence won't happen, at least not with Mateusz Kusznierewicz. The Polish National Foundation is ending its cooperation with the Olympic champion. "It's a question of credibility," says Piotr Gliński. According to the deputy prime minister, the voyage will still take place. "Poland 100" is a project where Polish sailors would sail around the world, compete in prestigious races, dock at 100 ports and visit 5 continents. Now, if the Polish National Foundation doesn't pay Mr Kusznierewicz, the foundation of the Olympic champion will have to declaire bankrupcy.

Speaker Kuchciński stays in the Sejm

The speaker of the lower house of parliament will stay, thanks to the support of his party. The Sejm rejected the motion to recall Marek Kuchciński. But the opposition wanted to appeal because the list of complaints is long.

Law and Justice MPs lash out at the protesters

It was the 22nd day of protests in the Sejm. The disabled adults and their caretakers are not leaving the building of the parliament. Yesterday, words spoken by representatives of Law and Justice turned bitter. While Jacek Żalek suggested that the protesters be removed and handed over to the police, Bernadeta Krynicka said the disabled should go and work if they want extra money.

"I simply can't find words". Paweł Kukiz on Jacek Żalek's comments

"Disabled person in a family changes its character entirely. This is a completely different kind of love, different persistence. A different situation. It is a certain kind of alienation from a regular life. Therefore, it's absolutely horrible and ruthless to treat such families as some sort of danger or obstacle that needs to be overcome or outsmarted," said Paweł Kukiz in "Kropka nad i". The leader of Kukiz '15 referred to the attitude of some Law and Justice MPs towards the protesting disabled and their caretakers who are protesting in the Sejm.

"My trial proves that the government isn't omnipotent and infallible"

"Yesterday's trial wasn't concerning Władysław Frasyniuk's case but rather was a defence of human dignity and freedom in general," said opposition activist in Communist Poland, Władysław Frasyniuk. The guest of "Fakty po Faktach" was referring to the ruling made by a court in Warsaw regarding the incident during a protest when Frasyniuk had been handcuffed by the police. "We have the right to expect fair trials in independent courts represented by judges who think independently," added Mr Frasyniuk. The guest of the second part of the programme was Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz, Modern Party MP.

Sejm passes law raising social pension for the disabled

The Sejm passed the legislation that will raise the social pension to the amount equal to the minimum permanent disability to work pension as well as a bill introducing special access rights to health care, pharmaceutical services and medical products for people with severe disabilities.

Kusznierewicz chucked overboard

They no longer sail together. A project to circumnavigate the globe to commemorate the centennial of Polish independence has sailed into some stormy waters. The Polish National Foundation broke off its cooperation with the world famous sailor Mateusz Kusznierewicz. The objective of the foundation is to promote Poland abroad. So far, the foundation has managed to draw attention to itself.

"A sick man of Europe". Former diplomats' manifesto

Polish former diplomats are worried about Poland's position in the world. They claim that, due to the infringements of the rule of law and the government's populism, Poland is self-marginalizing itself in the EU and NATO. In their manifesto, they claim that abroad Poland is considered "a sick man of Europe" whose actions are undermining the unity of the West and therefore falling in line with Putin's Russia. 29 diplomats decided to establish an informal Conference of Ambassadors of the Republic of Poland. The former Law and Justice minister of foreign affairs, Witold Waszczykowski, disagrees with their opinion. He claims that there are clear diplomatic achievements, like NATO troops in Poland and initiatives to reduce Poland's dependence on Russian energy sources.

Pay cuts for MPs are on the horizon

The whole story started with the hefty government bonuses which caused a public outcry. In a bold political counterattack, Jarosław Kaczyński from Law and Justice declared that there should be a pay cut for all the MPs. Soon, his will may become a law, although some of his colleagues would rather discuss a pay rise.

Matura exams in full swing

The Matura exam, which students in Poland face at the end of high school is in full swing. Today, it was English. The crew of our News in English show and webpage wishes you good luck and good marks!