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TVN24 News in English

ESA chief: Poland has made a big step upwards in the scale of ESA member states

In an interview with TVN24 BiS, European Space Agency (ESA) Director General Dr. Josef Aschbacher said that "investing in space is investing in the future". Poland and the ESA on Tuesday signed agreements on programs to support the development of the Polish space sector. "This means a lot for Poland. Poland has made a big step upwards in the scale of ESA member states," the ESA chief stressed.

Sejm appoints nine members of commission to investigate Russian influence in Poland

The Sejm appointed on Wednesday (August 30) nine members of the commission to investigate Russian influence in Poland's internal affairs in the years 2007-2022. All candidates were submitted by the ruling Law and Justice party. The majority of opposition parties boycotted the vote, while the far-right Confederation party voted against most of the canditates.

Conservation of Jerzy Nowosielski's polychromes in Warsaw's St. John Climacus's Orthodox Church

Jerzy Nowosielski's polychrome paintings can be found in St. John Climacus's Orthodox Church in Warsaw's Wola district. Harking back to Byzantine art, the paintings cover parts of the side walls and the arched coping. With the course of time, the condition of the artwork has seriously deteriorated. Although, as of now, the paintings are undergoing conservation, traces of repainting have been discovered on them.

Another series of train stoppages due to false alarms

Twenty-five passenger trains in four voivodeships grinded to a halt due to unauthorized use of the radio-stop signal. "All cases have been reported to proper authorities responsible for examining them in detail," said PKP PLK spokesperson Karol Jakubowski said on Tuesday (August 29).

Legionnaires' disease outbreak has killed 14 persons so far

Three more persons have died due to Legionnaires' disease and nine more have been infected - the County Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Rzeszów said on Tuesday (August 29). A total of 14 deaths caused by the Legionella pneumophila bacterium have been reported so far.

Investigation into series of train stoppages. One of the detained men is a police officer, media report

The National Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating the case of a false alarm raised after last week's series of train stoppages in four provinces caused by unauthorized use of the "radio-stop" signal. On Sunday, the police have detained two men, one of whom - according to media reports - is a police officer. Stanisław Żaryn, deputy coordinator of special services, told that another such incident happened after the two suspects had been detained.

"This is extremely important for Poland's security". MOD signs offset deals for Wisła air and missile programme

Poland's Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak approved offset contracts for components for anti-aircraft and anti-missile medium-range missile sets in the second phase of the Wisła programme. "Experience from the war in Ukraine shows that air and missile defence is very important," the minister said, adding that the deal includes 13 offset commitments worth approx. 1 billion zlotys. "We are very pleased that cooperation with the United States is proceeding so smoothly," Błaszczak stressed.

Ukraine's Independence Day. "Poland stands with free and independent Ukraine"

In a telephone call with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Poland's President Andrzej Duda extened his best wishes for the Ukrainian nation the country's Independence Day. Duda also reassured on social media that "Poland stands with free and independent Ukraine". "In 1991, Poland recognized our independence immediately after the referendum. It was a leader then and remains a leader now" - president Zelenskiy said on social media.

Morawiecki: Wagner Group under Putin's leadership will be even more dangerous

The Wagner Group will become an even bigger threat now that it is likely to come under Russian President Vladimir Putin's control following the presumed death of its boss Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki suggested on Thursday (August 24). Russian authorities said mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was listed as a passenger on a private jet that crashed on Wednesday evening (August 23), killing all those onboard.

Russian authorities: Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prighozin died in plane crash. Poland watches the situation closely

Russian mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was listed as a passenger on a private jet that crashed on Wednesday evening north of Moscow with no survivors, the Russian authorities said. The head of the Poland's National Security Bureau said Poland was watching the situation in Russia closely. "Today marks exactly 2 months since the march on Moscow," Jacek Siewiera said, referring to the short-lived mutiny organized by Prigozhin on June 23-24.

President Duda at Crimea Platform summit: the whole world understands the significance of Crimea occupation

"Our today's meeting is a living proof that the international community has understood the significance of the illegal occupation of Crimea and other Ukrainian lands to the whole world," Poland's President Andrzej Duda said in his address to the Third Summit of the Crimea Platform held on Wednesday (August 23) in Kyiv. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy vowed to end Russia's occupation of Crimea, and deflected criticism of Kyiv's handling of a grinding counteroffensive.

Two construction workers dead as house collapses during renovation

A multi-family house in Rząśnik near Złotoryja partially collapsed around 11 a.m. on Wednesday (August 23). The fire service said the accident happened when two construction workers were in a ditch near the building. "They got covered in debris, we've managed to locate one of the persons. Unfortunately, after getting the first victim out, we've pronounced him dead," Marcin Grubczyński of Złotoryja Fire Service said in the afternoon. A few hours later, the second victim was found dead.

MFA chief: modern armed conflicts also bear the mark of religious persecution

"Unfortunately, modern armed conflicts also bear the mark of religious persecution. It is enough to look at Ukraine to remind that in this armed conflict practically the representatives of all religions suffered a far-reaching loss," Poland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs quoted its chief as saying on Tuesday (August 22). With these words, the MFA chief Zbigniew Rau marked the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.

"Deliveries of new equipment for Polish Armed Forces aren't slowing down". Further two FA-50s arrive in Warsaw

Poland's Minister of National Defence Mariusz Błaszczak informed on Tuesday (August 22) that further two FA-50 fighter jets - ordered from South Korea to bolster the Polish Air Force - arrived in Warsaw. "By the end of the year we expect further 8 machines," the minister said on social media. Poland has purchased a total of 48 FA-50s from South Korea. The contract for their delivery was signed in September 2022.

"Fakty" TVN reporter reveals that patients' prescription history was available to all doctors

Marek Nowicki, a "Fakty" TVN reporter found out that any doctor knowing any patient's PESEL number (Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population) could see the history of issued prescriptions at the government site and find out what medicines a given patient had been prescribed. The Ministry of Health said on Tuesday (August 22) evening that the function in question has been switched off. Asked about the disconcerting news, the Minister of Digital Affairs Janusz Cieszyński said that doctors viewing patients' prescription history without their consent were committing a crime. Commenting on the minister's words, Nowicki stressed that the issue of patient history should be under control. "It's not enough that minister Cieszyński knows who enters our accounts and checks. We expect a following report: how many people do check and violate these regulations," the reporter said.

Poland boasts its new FA-50 fighter jet bought from South Korea

At a military base in Mińsk Mazowiecki, near Warsaw, on Monday (August 21), Poland's Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak showcased one of the South Korean FA-50 fighter jets it has acqured from South Korea. Poland has ordered a total of 48 such machines. The contract on their delivery was signed in September 2022. The first K239 rocket launcher, also purchased from South Korea, arrived in Gdańsk later on Monday.