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TVN24 News in English

A paedophile priest charged for recording teenagers with hidden camera

There are charges for a priest from Lubelskie Voivodeship who have fixed a small camera to his shoes and took inappropriate pictures of teenagers. The Polish priest was caught two years ago while on vacation in Croatia. It turned out that the paedophile priest had much more of these images on his phone and computer. If convicted, he could face up to five years in prison.

European Coalition leaders have signed programme declaration before EU elections

On Thursday, the leaders of five parties that form the European Coalition, Grzegorz Schetyna (Civic Platform), Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz (Polish People's Party), Włodzimierz Czarzasty (Democratic Left Alliance), Katarzyna Lubnauer (Modern Party) and Marek Kossakowski (Greens) signed the programme declaration before May's elections to the European Parliament.

Polish farmers protested again in Warsaw against government's agricultural policy

Polish farmers, joined by taxi drivers, protested in Warsaw from morning hours on Wednesday. Around 11.30, they started to march from the Zawiszy Square towards Dmowski Roundabout in the very centre of the city. Later on, they moved in front of the seat of the parliament and from there to the ministry of agriculture. Farmers wanted to enter the building in order to leave a note for the Minister of Agriculture Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, but they weren't allowed inside. The protest ended around 5 pm. Unlike during the previous demonstration, the gathering took place without any major disturbances.

People with disabilities inspire youth to thrive despite adversity

Despite adversity, they are successful and are now helping others. As part of the "Let's Move" campaign, people with disabilities who live fulfilling lives are showing young people from intergrative schools how to deal with limitations. One of them is Dawid Dobkowski, a 22-year-old from the Polish amp-football team.

Poland's justice minister: previous standards protected thieves and criminals

The disciplinary chamber's role is to treat all citizen equally and not to apply separate measures to those who think of themselves as a special caste and regular citizens, said Poland's Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro in response to a new infringement procedure against Poland launched by the European Commission on Wednesday.

Deputy PM Szydło asked teachers to suspend strike decision but they refused

Negotiations between the teachers’ unions and the government are to be continued on Wednesday at 13:00. Deputy PM Beata Szydło has called upon the teachers to call off the strike for the time of examination period in schools. The head of the Polish Teachers’ Union Sławomir Broniarz has replied to the call and said that the unions won’t be suspending the protest.

Polish pediatric psychiatry's in appalling condition. Another hospital shut down

There is a national crisis in child's psychiatry. In Warsaw, as of the 1st of April, the only psychiatric emergency ward had been closed. Up until now, the hospital was also taking in patients under 15 years of age. The reason for the ward's closing was lack of space for patients, even in the corridors. Doctors decided that keeping the ward open was a threat to patients' safety.

Archbishop of Łódź apologised to victims of sexual abuse by priests

The Archbishop of Łódź, Grzegorz Ryś has apologised to victims of sexual crimes committed by priests. During Thursday's mass, he revealed data concerning the Łódź Archdiocese. He said that there were 10 children that had been molested and 4 people just over 18 years of age. He added that this was not the complete number of victims.