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Presidential aide: we still need to wait for parliamentary majority to form and it might take a while

The president has time for that - President Andrzej Duda's aide Paweł Szrot asked when the head of state would start political consultations aimed at appointing a new government. Szrot added that candidate for prime minister is put forward by parliamentary majority, "but we still need to wait this majority". In his view, "we can already see first disputes among the opposition parties". "Everything suggests it will actually take a while," the aide said.

Donald Tusk: democratic parties are ready to take over responsibility for Poland

Poland's president should move swiftly to allow the formation of a new government, Donald Tusk, leader of the Civic Coalition (KO), said on Tuesday, after official election results showed his liberal pro-EU party and its allies winning a majority. "The winning democratic parties are in ongoing contact and are ready to take over the responsibility for governing the country anytime now," Tusk added.

Final election results announced. Democratic opposition wins 248 seats in the Sejm

The National Electoral Commission (PKW) has published the final results of the 2023 parliamentary election. We now know how the distribution of seats in the Sejm will look like. According to calculation based on the PKW data, the democratic opposition groupings have won a combined majority of 248 seats, with the absolute majority at 231.

Official results of Poland's 2023 parliamentary election

The final results of the 2023 parliamentary results have been announced. The National Electoral Commission (PKW) on Tuesday (Oct. 17) announced the data collected from 100% of constituencies. According to PKW, Law and Justice has won 35.38% of votes, Civic Coalition - 30.70%, Third Way - 14.40%, New Left - 8.61%, and Confederation - 7.16%. The official result closely resemble the final late poll published by the Ipsos pollster, according to which democratic opposition groupings can win a combined parliamentary majority of 249 seats in the Sejm.

"Erosion of checks and balances". OSCE observers issue statement on Polish parliamentary election

The OSCE observers, who in recent weeks were monitoring Poland the course of the election campaign and the vote itself, said in a statement that the election process "took place in a complex and polarized political environment". The OSCE added that "while freedoms of association and assembly were respected in a pluralistic campaign, it was marred by the misuse of state resources". The observers also mentioned "the erosion of checks and balances to gain further control over state institutions by the governing party, including the courts and the public media".

President Duda: I'm very happy this election had a gigantic turnout

President Andrzej Duda has given his first public comment since the end of the parliamentary election on Sunday. He thanked the Poles for the record high turnout. "Yesterday we showed we are responsibly taking matters in our own hands," Duda said on Monday (Oct. 16) in the Vatican during a visit marking the 45th anniversary of John Paul II's election to papacy.

Final late poll by Ipsos: democratic opposition with 249 seats in the Sejm

Democratic opposition has a chance to win 249 seats in the Sejm - according to the final late poll released by Ipsos. Law and Justice (PiS) can win 196 seats in the lower house, while Civic Coalition - 158. Three other groupings would also pass the minimum threshold: Third Way, New Left, and Confederation. The National Electoral Commission (PKW) on Monday (Oct. 16) afternoon announced partial results of the parliamentary vote held the on Sunday.

Kaczyński: we still don't know if we can turn election success into next term in power

"This truly is a huge success for our formation and our project for Poland," the ruling PiS party chairman Jarosław Kaczyński said during Sunday's (Oct. 15) parliamentary election night. "But of course, we are still facing the question of whether we can turn this success into the next term as the ruling party. And this is something we still don't know," he said in a speech after the the first exit poll had been announced by Ipsos.

Donald Tusk: Poland and democracy have won, we removed PiS from power

"Poland has won. Democracy has won. We removed them (PiS) from power," Civic Platform Leader Donald Tusk said after Ipsos released the first exit poll after Sunday's (Oct. 15) parliamentary election. He added that "this result can still be better". "But today we can already say that this is the end of this bad time. This is the end of the PiS government," the former prime minister stressed.

Ipsos exit poll: opposition with a chance to take over power

Democratic opposition stands a chance to form a ruling coalition with 248 seats - according to Ipsos exit poll released after Poland's parliamentary election on Sunday (Oct. 15). If the final result of the vote matches the exit poll, the ruling Law and Justice party would win the highest number of seats in the lower house of parliament - 200, while Civic Coalition - 163. Three more groupings would have their MPs in the new Sejm: Third Way, New Left, and Confederation. According to Ipsos, the voter turnout was 72.9%.

Statistics Poland: inflation in September at 8.2% year on year

Inflation in September 2023 was at 8.2% compared to the corresponding month last year, according to Poland's Central Statistical Office (Statistics Poland). Compared to August 2023, consumer prices in Poland decreased by 0.4%. In August 2023, inflation in year-on-year terms stood at 10.1%.

Chief Rabbi of Poland led a multi-confessional prayer for peace in Warsaw

The Chief Rabbi of Poland, Michael Schudrich, led a multi-confessional prayer for peace in Warsaw's city center on Friday (October 13). Schudrich said that after the attacks and Hamas' call for attacks on Israeli civilians, all he could do was go out and pray in public. He added that abducting an elderly woman, "who survived the Holocaust," is not representative of Islam.

Kantar poll: opposition with a chance to take over power in Poland

Civic Coalition, Third Way, and New Left stand a chance to win a combined 250 seats in the lower house of parliament, according to the latest Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. PiS and Confederation would secure 209 seats in the Sejm, with the absolute majority necessary to pass laws at 231.

PiS govt and Polish military in election campaign. Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24

Poland's Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak has criticized retired generals who run in the parliamentary election on opposition lists. The Poles, on the other hand, are very critical of the PiS government. According to the majority of respondents in the latest Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, PiS has been using the military in its election campaign. 77 percent of those surveyed claim that the military should remain apolitical.

Polish government and the EU. Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24

The majority of respondents in the latest Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24 think that the policy pursued by the Law and Justice (PiS) government is moving Poland towards the exit from the European Union. 32 percent of those asked said that PiS actions are making Poland's position in the EU stronger.

Is Polish Television a reliable broadcaster? Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24

66 percent of respondents think that the Polish public TV broadcaster Telewizja Polska (known in English as Polish Television), which financed with public money, is either definitely or probably not a reliable source of information - according to the latest Kantar poll carried out for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. 29 percent of those surveyed expressed the opposite opinion.

Top army generals resign ahead of Sunday's parliamentary election

Two top Polish army commanders resigned on Tuesday (Oct. 10), spokespeople said, days before an election in which the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has made national security a key issue in its bid for an unprecedented third term in power. Later that day, President Andrzej Duda appointed Lieutenant General Wiesław Kukuła as chief of staff and Major General Maciej Klisz as armed forces operational commander.

Iga Świątek sheds tears of joy after winning China Open

World number two Iga Świątek eased to a WTA Tour-leading fifth title this year by crushing unseeded Russian Liudmila Samsonova 6-2 6-2 in the China Open final on Sunday to tighten her battle with Aryna Sabalenka for the year-end number one spot.

Poland and Hungary to reject EU "diktat" on accepting "illegal migrants"

Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said his country rejected what he said was a European Union plan to accept "illegal migrants" and punish members who refused to cooperate as he arrived for a summit of the bloc in Spain on Friday (October 6). Warsaw refuses to host new arrivals from the Middle East and Africa, although Poland has given shelter to several million Ukrainians who fled Russia's invasion.