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TVN24 News in English

Investigation into possible sex abuse of a 13-month-old girl

Hospital in Szczecinek (West Pomeranian voivodeship) has notified the prosecutor's office about the possibility of abuse of a 13-month-old girl. Doctors have found severe injuries on the child's body suggesting sexual abuse. The girl has been taken to one of the hospitals in Szczecin.

Kaczyński reassures that minimum wage increase won't affect small businesses

Jarosław Kaczyński is replying to critics. The chairman of Law and Justice announced plans to increase the minimum wage in Poland up to 4.000 zlotys by the year 2023. Some believe that this could put a strain on small businesses and lead to bankruptcies. Mr Kaczyński, however, said that he has spoken with the president of the National Bank of Poland and has been assured that there will be no negative effects on the economy.

Justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro survives no confidence vote in the Sejm

Poland's Minister of Justice, Zbigniew Ziobro, survived a vote of no confidence in the lower house of the Polish parliament. The evening vote was preceeded by a debate involving top politicians of the ruling party and the opposition. The vote over minister Ziobro came after the smear campaign scandal had been revealed, allegedly involving employees of the ministry of justice, including former deputy minister Łukasz Piebiak.

Poles help a 99-year-old lady whose life-savings were stolen

The fate of a 99-year-old woman from Bielsko-Biała whose life-savings were stolen has moved many people. After her story was spread by the media, help from all over the country has been coming. "Lots of payments have been made" - said Ewelina Kliś from Serce dla Maluszka Foundation. The woman will receive support in material form, in order not to attract thieves.

Poland to take on agriculture portfolio in the European Commission

There's a new European Commission. Ursula von der Leyen has presented her team, and in it one Pole, Janusz Wojciechowski. The former Law and Justice MEP is a candidate for the position for the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development. For Poland, two other candidacies could prove important as well, namely those dealing with the rule of law.

Ursula von der Leyen presented her new EU Commission

The next head of the European Union executive, Ursula von der Leyen, presented on Tuesday (September 10) her new Commission which she called "gender-balanced" and "geopolitical". Von der Leyen's "college" of commissioners will take office on November 1, assuming they secure approval from the European Parliament - not a given after it only narrowly backed her in July.

Former chairwoman of Wisła Kraków detained by police investigations bureau

Former chairwoman of the Wisła Kraków football club Marzena S. was detained on Tuesday by the Central Bureau of Police Investigations. Apart from her, the bureau also detained Anna M.-Z., the wife of gangster Tadeusz C. who had controlled the club until last year, and the former chairman and vice chairman of the club Robert S. The arrests were confirmed by the spokeswoman for the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Poznań. According to portal, the case pertains to syphoning off of at least hundreds of thousands zlotys from Wisła Kraków.

"Gazeta Wyborcza": internet hater "Emilia" names 9 judges behind the smear campaign

Emilia worked with high officials from the ministry of justice, the new KRS (National Council of the Judiciary), new Supreme Court justices, and was highly praised by the former deputy justice minister Łukasz Piebiak for spreading hate against the justice minister's critics in the internet - "Gazeta Wyborcza" wrote on Monday. In a conversation with the daily newspaper, the internet hater named "Emi" or "Emilia" has given names of judges who, in her opinion, were members of "Kasta" group responsible for the smear campaign.

Pipeline is working. Warsaw's sewage leak temporarily fixed

"The government is prepared to maintain the alternative pipeline on the Vistula for two months," the chief of the Prime Minister's Chancellery Michał Dworczyk said on Monday. He also declared that all waste from the left-bank Warsaw would flow through the pipeline still this week. At the moment it's about 60 percent.

Civic Coalition presented programme ahead of October's parliamentary election

I want politics to become art of communication, and not of everlasting war. Poland is a great matter, the Republic of Poland is a great deal - Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska said at a programme convention of the Civic Coalition. The Civic Platform leader, Grzegorz Schetyna, convinced that their programme "is full of concrete proposals that would make the lives of Poles better". The coalition also presented its motto for the campaign: "Tomorrow can be better".