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TVN24 News in English

Władysław Szpilman's legendary piano auctioned off for record price

Władysław Szpilman's Steinway & Sons grand piano has become the highest-sold musical instrument in the history of Poland. At Tuesday's bidding organised by Poland's oldest auction house DESA Unicum, the famous piano went for over one million zloty. The artists pen and watch, which he kept on him through his time in the Warsaw Ghetto, have also found new owners.

Coalition crisis. Another meeting between Kaczyński and Ziobro

Law and Justice is prepared for all scenarios, we are hoping for cooperation in order to carry out our programme, but it has to be a constructive cooperation - said the spokesperson for PiS Anita Czerwińska after the party leadership meeting on Wednesday. She added that "the ball is in United Poland's court". Shortly after 7pm, the leaders of PiS and United Poland, Jarosław Kaczyński and Zbigniew Ziobro, met to discuss ruling coalition's future. Their meeting lasted for over an hour.

PiS spokesperson: Kaczyński laid down conditions for coalition's future

Chairman of the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) Jarosław Kaczyński met on Monday evening with junior coalition partner chief - justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro. The PiS party spokesperson Anita Czerwińska said Kaczyński had set out conditions for the ruling coalition's future existence. "We're waiting for a reply" - she added.

Justice minister says ruling coalition has future. PiS to announce decision soon

Poland's ruling right-wing coalition should remain united, the leader of a junior partner in the alliance said on Monday, attempting to smooth tensions that threaten to wreck the government and trigger a snap election. The ruling party held an emergency meeting on Monday devoted to the crisis in the coalition. PiS spokesperson Anita Czerwińska said after the talks had ended that the party would inform about the outcome "in an appropriate time".

Biden: no place for "LGBT-free zones" anywhere in the world

"Let me be clear: LGBTQ+ rights are human rights — and 'LGBT-free zones' have no place in the European Union or anywhere in the world" - Joe Biden wrote on Twitter on Monday. This way, the former U.S. vice president and current presidential candidate reiterated the words of the EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen.

President Duda's daughter appointed as his social advisor

Kinga Duda has been appointed as social advisor to the President of Poland - according to the President's Chancellery official website. Her father, president Andrzej Duda, has reassured on Twitter that his daughter has not been receiving any remuneration for this job.

Von der Leyen: no place for LGBT-free zones in the EU

The European Union's chief executive said on Wednesday there was no place in the bloc for so-called "LGBT-free zones", a pointed criticism of Poland's nationalist government pushing to curb the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Coronavirus report: 605 infections and 24 deaths on Tuesday

The ministry of health on Tuesday informed about 605 new coronavirus infections and the death of 24 people. Such high number of deaths has not been reported since June 18, when 30 deaths were recorded. Since the start of the pandemic a total of 75,134 infections and 2,227 have been reported in Poland.

EU parliament debated on rule of law and LGBT rights in Poland

The European Parliament on Monday debated the current state of the rule of law and LGBT rights in Poland. Vice President of the European Commission Vera Jourova announced the EU executive would soon decide on how to push forward the EU law infringement procedure against Poland. She also stressed that the EU won't tolerate discrimination of LGBTI people.

Archbishop Jędraszewski warns against "gender and LGBT ideologies"

Life in all its fullness makes us live with others and for the others, it can be achieved through marriage and family life - the Archbishop of Kraków Marek Jędraszewski said in his address to families at the Sanctuary of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. We live and die not for ourselves, despite various ideologies that are being spread nowadays, starting with the ideology of singles which dictates we should live as lonely islands - he stressed. The archbishop added that human beings "don't live and die for themselves", also in contrast to "gender and LGBT ideologies".