

Drony, kamery i wilcze bilety. Tak rząd chce rozwiązać palący problem

Szara strefa w gospodarce odpadami naraża polskie państwo na straty rzędu 2,5 miliardów złotych rocznie. To jedynie te liczone w pieniądzach, bo zniszczenia środowiska są nie do oszacowania. Sejm ma zająć się na nadzwyczajnym posiedzeniu w środę 27 czerwca rządowymi projektami zmian w prawie mającymi ukrócić nielegalny obrót odpadami. Projekt nowego prawa to reakcja rządu na serię kilkudziesięciu pożarów na wysypiskach, do których doszło wiosną.

"Satisfaction" of the Forget-me-nots

It's one the most famous songs in the world but you cartainly haven't heard this version. The Rolling Stones hit "Satisfaction" in the interpretation of Polish folk group "Niezapominajki" (The Forget-me-nots). Their goal is not only to have Mick Jagger and company to like the song, they want to treat the British legends with home-made dumplings when they visit Poland in July.

Scouts from Lubliniec fight for new tents

Real good scouts need really good tents. But the ones they have now are old, have holes in them and leak when in rains. They needed new ones but no one wanted to help them buy them. So they've taken matters into their own hands. Here's the story of scouts from Lubliniec who really know how to get things done.

Jarosław Wałęsa will run for mayor of Gdańsk

He is full of praise for the current mayor and yet he will run against him in the upcoming election. Jarosław Wałęsa has joined the fray and he'll be the joint candidate of Civic Platform and Modern Party for the mayor of Gdańsk. He'll be taking on Law and Justice's Kacper Płażyński and the incumbent, Paweł Adamowicz who will be running as an independent candidate.

Komisja prawna Rady Europy "wzywa Rosję do przekazania wraku Tu-154"

Komisja prawna Zgromadzenia Parlamentarnego Rady Europy poparła na poniedziałkowym posiedzeniu w Strasburgu projekt rezolucji w sprawie katastrofy smoleńskiej, w którym znalazło się żądanie zwrotu Polsce przez Rosję wraku samolotu Tu-154M. Dokument wskazuje, że ciągłe odmowy Moskwy są nadużyciem prawa.

CDU zadowolone z Angeli Merkel

Kanclerz Niemiec Angela Merkel uzyskała mocne poparcie swojej CDU dla kontynuowania dyskusji z innymi państwami Unii Europejskiej na temat kontrolowania migracji do Europy i w Europie - poinformowała sekretarz generalna tej partii Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

Jacek Sasin explains late publishing of Constitutional Tribunal rulings

Law and Justice's politicians are mobilizing ahead of the local elections. They are facing voters and inconvenient questions across the country. The chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, Jacek Sasin has visited Leżajsk. One of the questions he faced there was why the government waited over 800 days to publish the verdicts of the Constitutional Tribunal from 2016.

Residents of Rytel ten months after the disaster

A flash storm took their homes, devastated the forests, and robbed them of their livelihoods. Ten months on from the disaster, residents of Rytel and the surrounding villages are still trying to rebuild their lives. They hope that this year's vacation season will help them get back on their feet. That's why they're doing all they can to attract tourists in spite of the devastation. The first guests have already arrived.

Rywal Erdogana uznał przegraną w wyborach

Muharrem Ince, główny konkurent zwycięzcy niedzielnych wyborów prezydenckich w Turcji Recepa Tayyipa Erdogana, ogłosił, że uznaje przegraną w wyborach. Nazwał je jednak "niesprawiedliwymi" i ostrzegł Turcję przed reżimem autorytarnym.

Migration summit in Brussels. Poland didn't show up

Sixteen countries showed up but Poland was nowhere to be seen. An informal summit took place in Brussels today and it was devoted to solving the migration crisis. Among the attendees were leaders of Western and Southern European Countries. Members of the ruling coalition in Poland claim that this "summit" is nothing more than a farce. The opposition says, Poland has to take part in problem solving.