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TVN24 News in English

Supreme Court: judicial questions to CJEU en route to Luxembourg

The Supreme Court (SN) sent its questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union on Monday afternoon. Polish top court asked the European court for a preliminary ruling in order to settle the dispute regarding the new Supreme Court law. The post is picked up at 2 p.m. and the questions are ready to travel to Luxembourg - informed Krzysztof Michałowski from the SN press office.

Polish MFA wants to remind world of Russia's aggression against Georgia

On the tenth anniversary of Russian aggression against Georgia, we want to remind the world about the violation of an independent Georgia, the tragedy of thousands of families expelled from their homes, the hundreds dead and wounded, Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said on Monday.

Supreme Court submitted five questions to ECJ and requested preliminary ruling

The Supreme Court has submitted five questions to ECJ and requested preliminary ruling. For the time being, the Court has suspended applying the provisions of the Supreme Court law regarding entering retirement age by the Court's judges, Krzysztof Michałowski from Supreme Court's press office informed on Thursday.

Poland paid homage to the Heroes of the Warsaw Uprising

Ceremonies commemorating the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising 74 years ago lasted all day in Warsaw on August 1, and were attended by top state officials, veterans and city residents. Observances were also held in other Polish cities and towns.

63 Days of Glory - 74th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising

Warsaw as well rest of Poland mark the 74th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. Official commemorations are taking place all over the capital city. The tragic insurrection commenced on the 1st of August, 1944 and lasted 63 days until it was crushed by better-equipped German army.

Flooded houses and streets as thunderstorms hit Poland

Nature strikes. Flooded basements, houses and cars. Downed and broken trees. All this and more damages are a result of heavy thunderstorms that hit Poland. The firefighters from Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Łódzkie and Śląskie voivodeships had the busiest day.