TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Teenager killed at school had been abducted and beaten a month prior to his death

16-year-old Kuba who was murdered in one of the schools in Warsaw's Wawer district two weeks ago had been abducted and beaten a month prior to the tragedy in school, according to the information gathered by portal. The prosecutor's office informed that a 29-year-old man has been charged in connection to the beating. He has been taken under police supervision.

ECJ's ruling on EU Commission's complaint against Poland over top court reform on June 24

The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) informed on Thursday that it will hand down the ruling regarding the complaint the European Commission filed against Poland over the changes made to Polish Supreme Court. The reform resulted in some of the justices being forced to retire, including the head of Poland's top court, Chief Justice Małgorzata Gersdorf.

ECJ's Advocate General to issue opinion on Polish Supreme Court's questions on June 27

The Court of Justice of the European Union held its second hearing on Tuesday concerning the request by the Polish Supreme Court for a preliminary ruling. The questions related to, among others, the independence of the new National Council of the Judiciary (KRS), as well as the recent reforms to the Supreme Court. Government representatives, the Public Prosecutor General and judges from the KRS defended the implemented reforms.

Father Eugeniusz M. removed from priesthood activities; statue of him covered

The monument to the former custodian of the Licheń Sanctuary has been covered up. The decision was made by the current administrators of the sanctuary - the Congregation of Marian Fathers. The story of father who was accused of molesting a former altar boy is highlighted in the Sekielski brothers film entitled "Just don't tell anyone".

"Superwizjer" and journalists awarded at World Media Festival in Hamburg

"Superwizjer" TVN journalists scooped prestigious European awards. Jakub Stachowiak and Patryk Szczepaniak received statuettes at the World Media Festival gala in Hamburg for their report "Black amber market" revealing smuggling and illegal amber trade. The international jury also credited Szymon Jadczak for his acclaimed report for "Superwizjer" entitled: "Football and gangsters". Also mentioned was "Breast ironing" documentary by TVN Style.

"First Communion tax". More valuable presents have to be declared

The so-called First Communion tax means that those receiving the Holy Sacraments may have to pay taxes on their presents. The rules of the game are clear: if the presents exceed the threshold established by the tax office or if they are not declared, it could be treated as normal income. Non-family members are limited to gifting for a period of 5 years.