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Damaged houses and power outages in Poland after heavy storms

Firefighters intervened 484 times after heavy storms that had passed over Poland on Wednesday and at night on Thursday. 2654 households were left without electricity and one firefighter got injured - the spokesman for the Polish Fire Service Paweł Frątczak said.

Kaczyński says PiS will check Tusk's flights from his time as PM

During Thursday's conference, at which parliament speaker Marek Kuchciński announced his resignation, a video was played showing Jarosław Kaczyński's words from 2011, when Donald Tusk was Poland's prime minister. "It's prime minister's right. Everyone has the right to be at home. We cannot expect from any prime minister to live in Warsaw," Kaczyński said at the time. On Thursday, he reassured that he stood by his words. However, at the same time he said that, during his time as PM, Tusk had taken 281 flights to his hometown of Gdańsk.

Prosecutor's office is verifying Marshal Kuchciński's flights

A verifying procedure has been launched regarding Marshal Kuchciński's flights - Mirosława Chyr from District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw said on Monday. The investigators are verifying information contained in a written notification regarding suspicion of an offense.

Incomplete information released on Sejm Marshal's flights

We were expecting publication of the full details of Marshal Marek Kuchciński's flights, but the information released raises as many questions as it answers. The destinations and events the Marshal have been revealed, but not the names and functions of the people who travelled with him.

He was planning an attack on the Sejm. Brunon Kwiecień found dead in prison

Brunon Kwiecień has died - the spokeswoman for the General Director of the Prison Service, lieutenant-colonel Elżbieta Krakowska. The man was found dead on his bed in his cell. "A post-mortem will help to determine the cause of death," she added. A few years ago, Kwiecień was sentenced for preparing an attack on the Polish Sejm.

Notice to prosecutor and protests after Archbishop Jędraszewski's words

The Centre for the Monitoring of Racist and Xenophobic Behaviours submitted a notice to the prosecutor on the suspicion that a crime had been committed by Archbishop Jędraszewski. In question are his words on the "rainbow disease", spoken during a mass he conducted in honour of the 75th anniversary of the start of the Warsaw Uprising.

Sejm Marshal Kuchciński donates another hefty sum for his flights

I've adopted a model of work focused not only on operating strictly within the Sejm building, but also across the country and abroad. I'm aware that I took a lot of flights, but it was all due to the model of work that I adopted - the Marshal of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński said on Monday.

Polish Supreme Court deems European election valid

The elections to the European Parliament held on May 26, 2019, have been declared valid - the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court ruled on Friday. The court did not find any irregularities that would affect the final results of the election.

The "W" Hour in Warsaw. The city paid tribute to its heroes

Blaring sirens and tolling church bells. Exactly at 5 pm, at the "W" Hour, Warsaw stood still. Residents of the city stopped to remember and pay homage to the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising. Busy streets of the Polish capital froze for a short moment, including cars, buses and trams.