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TVN24 News in English

Warsaw Zoo fans chose name for little antelope in a contest

The final stage of a contest for the best name for a little Bongo antelope from Warsaw Zoo was very tough. The battle between the two best proposals lasted until the last second, but the lovely ungulate has been named. The best name received 55 percent of votes.

Judge Nawacki promoted by new KRS to high administrative court

The National Council of the Judiciary has backed judge Maciej Nawacki as candidate to the Supreme Administrative Court, which means a huge promotion for the current president of the Regional Court in Olsztyn. The final decision, however, is in the hands of Poland's President Andrzej Duda.

Supreme Court revokes ruling made by judge designated by justice minister

The Supreme Court has revoked a ruling made by a panel which included a judge sent on secondment by the minister of justice. According to the Supreme Court, the said secondment was faulty. "We can already see that it will put the parties at risk of repeated trial" - a judge from Iustitia association Bartłomiej Starosta told TVN24.

Manchester United fans attacked ahead of Europa League final in Gdańsk

A group of Manchester United fans visiting Gdańsk for the Europa League final were attacked on a restaurant terrace late on Tuesday, Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper reported, citing local police. Among the attacked fans were three citizens of Malta. Gdańsk Mayor Aleksandra Dulkiewicz condemned the incident, while the police said that arrests were imminent.

Morawiecki: agreement over Turów mine is within reach

Poland and the Czech Republic are finalising an agreement that should end a legal dispute over the environmental impact of a Polish open pit coal mine close to the border between the two countries, a Polish government spokesman said on Tuesday (May 25).

Belarusian activists say Lukashenko is afraid of any manifestation of freedom

"Methods used by the Belarusian regime could be compared to Stalinist repressions. The only difference is that Lukashenko is not yet shooting people in the back of their heads" - the head of the Belarusian House foundation Aleś Zarembiuk said on Tuesday at a press conference in Polish Sejm. His compatriot Stepan Putilo, co-founder of Nexta channel, said the Belarusian regime "is very scared of any manifestation of freedom".

Film producer files lawsuit against Tom Cruise over Polish bridge

A historic railway bridge spanning over Pilchowice Lake has found itself at the centre of a legal dispute involving famous Hollywood figures. At first, the bridge was supposed to be blown up in a movie scene, but in the end it was listed as a heritage site and consequently saved. Now, the producer who found this location for the film is suing the film studio, the director and Tom Cruise for 6 million zlotys.

"We got no other choice but to keep fighting". Belarusian activists call for help

"After yesterday's incident I've received over a thousand threats saying I will be the next person brought back to Belarus by the regime" - co-founder of the Nexta portal Stepan Putilo said on Monday at a press conference in front of the Belarusian Embassy in Warsaw. "The society is terrified to a point that people are afraid to change photos on Facebook. People are afraid to discuss the situation with their families" - Polish-Belarusian activist Jana Shostak added.

Poland condemns Ryanair forced landing in Belarus as "act of state terrorism"

"As to sanctions against Belarus, plenty of options are being considered. I wouldn't like to get ahead of myself at the moment" - Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński said on Monday. The EU was to discuss the hijacking of a Ryanair aircraft and arrest of Belarusian dissident Roman Protasevich later that day. "I think decisions in that regard will be made today, as what happened yesterday was a pure act of state terrorism" - Jabłoński added.

Government plans to approve "Polish Deal" in early autumn

We would like the Council of Ministers to approve the final version of tax reform under the "Polish Deal" in early fall - the spokesperson for the government Piotr Müller said on Thursday. He added that works over particular projects were in "advanced stages".

Warsaw mayor: I'm not going to say situation in Civic Platform is fantastic

"I'm absolutely certain that the one thing we need to focus on today is the future" - the Mayor of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski told TVN24 on Wednesday. The deputy chief of a centrist opposition Civic Platform (PO) party added that the recent meeting of PO politicians "proves that today everyone is thinking on how move forward".

Contest to find name for Warsaw ZOO "bongoddess" is on

The Warsaw ZOO launched a contest to find name for a bongo antelope, temporarily referred to as "bongoddess". The name has to start with the letter "M". Four best names will be selected by the animal's caretakers. The final say will belong to the zoological garden's fans.

Hospital at National Stadium suspends activities on Sunday

Activities of the temporary hospital at the National Stadium will be suspended on Sunday - the government vaccination programme coordinator Michał Dworczyk said on Wednesday. He added that most of the equipment will remain in place in case of another pandemic surge.

WWII musuem apologises for "Red Poppies" gadget collection

To mark the 77th anniversary of Polish Army's capture of Monte Cassino in 1944, the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk offered a 20-percent discount on a "Red Poppies" items collection. Among other things, the museum store had in its offer a tie, a card holder, or even socks. The collection has been under fire in social media. "The Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk apologises to all those who felt offended" - the spokesperson of the museum said.