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TVN24 News in English

Flooding and damage in Zielona Góra after heavy rainfall

Fire service have been trying to fix damage caused by heavy rainfall in Zielona Góra. "Dozens of flooded places" - city mayor Janusz Kubicki said on Wednesday. The water flooded a local medical centre and airport, as well as other towns in the Lubuskie province.

ECHR: Poland violated human rights convention by removing judges

Poland violated Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights - said the European Court of Human Rights. The case concerned a complaint made by two vice-presidents of the Kielce Regional Court whose term of office was prematurely ended by the Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. The ECHR ordered Poland to pay the judges 20,000 euro each.

PM Morawiecki: epidemic has not been defeated yet

"We want to avoid risk and propose solutions that will prevent high increase in infections" - Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said at a conference on Tuesday. In his view, not enough people have been vaccinated yet to stop infection spread before autumn". Health Minister Adam Niedzielski said "the danger of coronavirus infections spike is still real".

Kantar poll: should Donald Tusk return to Polish politics?

Majority of Poles think Donald Tusk should not stand at the helm of Civic Platform again - according to a poll conducted by Kantar for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. 60 percent of respondents said Tusk should not return to Polish politics, nor should he become Civic Platform leader. Opposite view was expressed by 26 percent. The members of the party, co-founded by the former prime minister Donald Tusk, are not sure whether he should become its leader, but they agree his return to politics as such would be welcome. Especially younger members of the party would rather see Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski as chief. Decision regarding Tusk's return to Polish politics, and in what role, is likely to be made on July 3.

Institute for Catholic Church Statistics: 368 sex abuse reports in 30 months

Between July 1, 2018 and December 31, 2020, male dioceses received 368 reports regarding sex abuse of minors - the Institute for Catholic Church Statistics informed on Monday. 10 percent of those cases were dismissed as unreliable, 51 percent were being examined, whereas 39 percent were confirmed or marked as credible. Primate of Poland Archbishop Wojciech Polak asked "all persons harmed and outraged by evil in the Church" for forgiveness.

Kantar poll: PiS in the lead, Poland 2050 most popular opposition party

The ruling United Right coalition could count on 30 percent voters, according to the latest poll by Kantar for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. Szymon Hołownia's Poland 2050 would win the most votes of all opposition parties - 21 percent. Civic Coalition would win 19 percent of votes. The Left recorded a significant drop in support compared to the previous Kantar poll from April.

Zbigniew Boniek: hiring Paulo Sousa was no mistake

Chairman of Poland's Football Association Zbigniew Boniek on Thursday said the national team did not live up to expectations. "Big tournaments has to end at some point, but we hoped that for us it would end a bit later" - he said.

Mammatus clouds spotted over stormy Warsaw

A very interesting meteorological phenomenon could be seen in Warsaw on Thursday afternoon. The sky filled with characteristic, protruding clouds. The mammatus clouds are also referred to as "cow teats".

Schetyna: Tusk's declarations may serve as an impulse

"If Donald Tusk wants to return to Polish politics, it means he knows how to do it" - former leader of Civic Platform Grzegorz Schetyna said on Tuesday. In his opinion, former prime minister's presence and involvement are needed. "We need a new opening in cooperation between democratic opposition circles" - Schetyna said. "We need to leave the recent months behind" - he added.

Supreme Audit concerned with ventilators purchase from arms dealer

The Supreme Audit Office has compiled a report, seen by, in which it asks the Health Ministry to implement procedures that would prevent reckless spending of public money. The auditors issued such recommendation in relation to "detected irregularities" in Poland's purchase of ventilators.

Special services: 4,350 Polish emails targeted by hackers

"At least 4,350 email accounts belonging to Polish citizens have been targeted by the (hacker) attack" - the spokesman for the special services minister-coordinator Stanisław Żaryn said on Tuesday. He added that the services have information linking the attackers to Russian special services.

Possible new restriction for people returning from the UK

"Most likely a new quarantine restriction will be introduced for those returning from the United Kingdom" - Health Ministry spokesman Wojciech Andrusiewicz said on Tuesday. He did not exclude introducing further restrictions for people arriving from the UK.