TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Government presented its plan for liquidating the Open Retirement Funds

One hundred and sixty two billion zlotys will be privatized. Money collected in the so-called Open Retirement Funds (OFE) are to go to individuals. Either to private retirement accounts (IKE) or to Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), depending on person’s preference. The prime minister presented arguments for the changes.

PM Morawiecki calls on striking teachers to keep the exam period intact

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Monday that he hopes that the round table talks on Polish education system will mark a new opening. The talks are scheduled to take place shortly after Easter and are to include teachers, parents and all the other interested parties. Morawiecki also asked the striking teachers to do their best to allow students take their final exams.

Warsaw court overturns fine for Austrian businessman Gerald Birgfellner

A Warsaw court has repealled the fine that Gerald Birgfellner received from the prosecutor's office for failing to appear for an interview. Prosecutors claim that the court does not have the authority to make such decisions. The Austrian businessman is embroiled in a real estate scandal with Jarosław Kaczyński, whom Birgfellner has accused of committing a fraud.

Mother renovated hospital entrance in gratitude for saving her son's life

Those who have never seen with their own two eyes can only imagine what the entrance area of the Children's Health Centre in Warsaw must have looked like. It hasn't been renovated in 40 years since the hospital opened. An area reminiscent of communist times finally got a makeover, thanks to Antoś and TVN viewers like you.

Four people detained in connection to illegal waste dumping business

It was supposed to be a legal business selling coal. Instead it was illegally disposing of hazardous waste. Two men are now in police custody who, according to investigators, were mixed up in the illegal conduct. Hazardous substances were dumped in the soil and covered up on a property leased from the city in Zabrze, southern Poland. So far, four people have been detained in the case.

A quad driver escaping police has hit one of the officers

He tried to run over a policewoman, now he faces charges. In Lubań, a 33-year-old has hit a female police officer with his quad and sped away after being pulled over. Thankfully, the police officer did not sustain any serious injuries and the driver was quickly apprehended. Now, he will spend a month in temporary detention pending trial. It was determined that the quad driver was drunk at the time of the incident.

Deposit for plastic bottles to be introduced on a mass scale within 6 years

Older Poles are beginning to forget, while younger ones have never paid a deposit in stores before. Soon it will be back and on a mass scale. In accordance with the directive of the European Union, in six years, people will have to add the price of a plastic bottle to the price of the drink inside. The store will return the deposit when the consumer returns the bottle.

All middle-school exams took place as planned on Thursday

Thursday was the second day of exams for eighth graders. This time the students were tested for their knowledge in math and science. It was also the fourth day of the teachers' strike. School boards are reporting that despite the protest, all schools were able to gather enough educators to conduct the final exams.

President Duda: we don't want the EU to take away our traditions

The Polish president is praising Poland's presence in the European Union, but at the same says that Polish tradition and culture must not be taken away. At the meeting with the residents of Mogilno in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Andrzej Duda spoke about the benefits and challenges of being part of the community.

25-year-old woman beaten to death by her partner in southwestern Poland

The Regional Prosecutor from Dzierżoniów, southwestern Poland said that even though he had performed hunderds of post-mortems, never had had he seen such severely battered woman. According to the investigators, the 25-year-old has been beaten to death with fists by her partner. The man has been arrested and charged.

Violent poly-criminal gang taken down by international police force

They were known for their brutality and for their unique tattooing of prostitutes. They're also suspected of murder and profiting from prostitution. Through cooperation with Europol and police from several countries the "Braciaks' Gang" was caught. Over the course of several years, the criminal gang was one of the main targets for Polish authorities, who considered them a highly specialised and violent group: usually armed with knives, machetes and baseball bats. The network forced their trafficking victims into prostitution in Denmark and Poland and tattooed them to identify their "owner".