TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Inquiry into the gas explosion that killed 3 people in Bytom

The District Prosecutor's Office in Katowice on Monday took over the investigation into the Saturday's gas explosion in a residential building in Bytom, that killed a woman and her two daughters. All residents have been evacuated from the building, but the first group are likely to return to their homes on Tuesday.

Sejm passes special legislation regarding Westerplatte museum construction

In regard to the debate over Westerplatte, the mayor of Gdańsk Aleksandra Dulkiewicz will be treated as a partner and her voice will be heard - the chief of prime minister's office Michał Dworczyk reassured on Friday. In his view, people who are trying to "cause turmoil" over the special law (on Westerplatte) are driven by politicial interest.

PiS chairman Kaczyński bans MPs from lobby meetings

Law and Justice (PiS) chairman Jarosław Kaczyński ordered the party MPs not to participate in lobby events or meetings that could be presumed as such, with the exception of events meeting the criteria outlined in the lobbying act.

East Europeans fail to secure any of the top EU jobs

Eastern European states have ended up empty-handed in the EU top jobs bonanza after they expended all their political capital in successfully blocking Dutch Socialist Frans Timmermans from becoming president of the executive European Commission.

PKN Orlen asks EU Commission to approve merger with Lotos Group

PKN Orlen has filed a formal application for the European Commission’s approval of its proposed acquisition of Lotos Group. The completion of the process would result in a single strong internally integrated entity with international potential, whose position in the oil supply market would be even more prominent.

Nearly 2.500 fire service interventions on Tuesday in Poland

Polish State Fire Service (PSP) carried out 2.349 interventions on Tuesday, of which 598 were fire-related - said the spokesperson for the Chief Commandant of the State Fire Service, Senior Brigadier Paweł Frątczak. None of the 254 scout camps were evacuated - he added.

EU leaders agree on France's Christine Lagarde to lead ECB

European Union leaders agreed on Tuesday to name France's Christine Lagarde as the new head of the European Central Bank and sealed a deal on filling the EU's other top four jobs after marathon talks that have exposed deep divisions in the bloc.

Brexit party MEPs turn backs during EU anthem

Members of Britain's Brexit Party turned their backs on the EU anthem on Tuesday as it was played live at the opening of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, in a move that other lawmakers branded disgraceful and pathetic.