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TVN24 News in English

Poland's strip club scam revealed by "Superwizjer" TVN journalists

Alcohol spiked with drugs, loss of consciousness and large sums of money withdrawn from accounts. Many men claim that strip clubs are "thieving factories" and that mainly foreign tourists fall victim of its illegal practice. They often notify the police, but the investigations are usually discontinued. Watch the full report by "Superwizjer" TVN journalists Robert Socha and Maciej Dopierała entitled: "Strip Club Scam".

He sowed rhubarb and reaped millions. Investor claims valuable land for free

He sowed rhubarb and reaped millions. A cunning investor from Kraków received a valuable land due to a law known as "squatter's rights" or "adverse possession". The owner of the land, the Cracow University of Technology lost its years-long battle in court and the successful investor has already flipped the property for 10 millon zlotys to the city of Kraków.

Polish government pledges to invest 800 million zlotys in local bus system

A government programme called "Local connections" has been declared by the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and the Minister of Infrastructure Andrzej Adamczyk. Eight hundred million zlotys has been earmarked for the project annually and the trips are to cost 1 zloty per kilometre. The bill is expected to come into force at the end of May.

Patient strapped to hospital bed dies after his mattress caught fire

Tragedy in a hospital in Kutno, central Poland. Due to his aggressive behaviour, a 37-year-old patient was strapped to his bed. At night, his mattress caught fire leading to burns on 70 percent of his body and ultimately, in spite of all the doctors could do, to his death. The prosecutor's office is investigating the incident.

No new offer for the teachers while the strike seems to be imminent

The government is playing a high-stakes game with teachers. There are no talks and no new offers on the table, but the Polish Teachers' Union is preparing for a countrywide strike. Although the Solidarity Teachers' Union is occupying the Lesser Poland Board of Education, it aims to avoid a larger strike. The question is: At what price?

Catholic Church of Poland to release data on paedophilia cases

The Catholic Church in Poland is set to release data concerning paedophilia on Thursday. It is expected to cover all cases of child sex abuse by priests since 1990. One victim who has received compensation has spoken out. She won a one million zloty payment from the Society of Christ Fathers and will also receive 800 zlotys per month for life. The society, though, is appealing to the Supreme Court.

Dispute over the LGBT Declaration. PiS leader criticises Mayor of Warsaw

The Commissioner for Children's Rights vs the Mayor of Warsaw. This is in connection with the LGBT Declaration signed by Rafał Trzaskowski. Though the Warsaw's mayor signed the document less than a month ago, it has only now entered the realm of public debate. All of this due to Jarosław Kaczyński's words during the Law and Justice's party convention that took place last weekend.

Poland celebrates 20th anniversary of NATO accession

It was the confirmation of Poland's sovereignity and independence, as it was was leaving the Russian sphere of influence and entering the West - this how President Andrzej Duda described Poland's accession to NATO. Monday marked the 20th anniversary of signing the treaty.