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Coronavirus cases near 20,000 as gov't predicts worse economic impact

The Ministry of Health informed on Wednesday about 471 new coronavirus infections and 14 deaths. The total number of cases reported in Poland has gone up to 19,739, of which 962 people have died. Furthermore, according to Poland's finance ministry, the country's economy may diminish by even up 5 percent in 2020

Civic Coalition candidate Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska quits presidential run

"I won't take part in the presidential election," Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska announced on Friday. The candidate backed by Civic Coalition, once tipped as the main rival of incumbent Andrzej Duda, has seen a significant drop of support in recent polls and thus decided to quit the presidential race. Civic Platform leadership announced later on Friday that Rafał Trzaskowski would replace her as the new candidate.

Main opposition party may announce new presidential candidate on Friday

"Fakty" TVN have learned that at 10am on Friday, the Civic Platform party is to announce a decision regarding its presidential candidate. Earlier on Thursday, senator Bogdan Zdrojewski admitted the situation regarding the election and the candidate wasn't easy. PO politicians unofficially speculate on potential replacements for Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska. Asked if she wanted to keep running for presidency, the current candidate herself said: "We will be discussing this. It's crucial for us to stand together".

Constitutional court chief dismisses criticism from German judge

Poland's Constitutional Tribunal (TK) president rejected remarks by her German counterpart as "scandalous" after he was quoted in a newspaper questioning whether the court was truly independent of the Polish government. The spat is the latest escalation in a row kicked off by the German Constitutional Court's judgement last week that it could in some circumstances override rulings of the European Union's top court in Luxembourg.

Government seeks law forcing NGO's to disclose foreign funding

The environment minister said at the weekend that the Polish government was working on introducing regulations that would oblige non-governmental organisations to reveal all foreign funding sources. Critics of the cabinet led by the nationalist Law and Justice party raised concerns saying the move may in fact be aimed to discredit and censure the NGOs that disapprove the government's agenda.

Latest election draft allows in-person voting and postal ballot

The latest legislation proposed by the ruling coalition led by Law and Justice (PiS) on Monday (May 11) assumes the presidential election to be conducted both traditionally, at polling stations, and through postal ballot for those who prefer this method. The coalition hopes the so-called "hybrid voting" will be backed by the opposition.

Poland to announce new election date within two weeks

On Sunday, May 10, millions of Poles were supposed to cast their votes in order to elect their president for the next five years. Yet, after drawn-out and controversial preparations, conducted by the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, the widely contested vote did not come to fruition. It was supposed to be the first-ever election done by postal ballot. The body responsible for carrying out elections in Poland, the National Electoral Commission (PKW), informed on Sunday evening that the lower house speaker had two weeks to schedule a new date for the presidential vote.

Electoral commission confirms presidential vote won't happen on May 10

The 2020 presidential election in Poland will not take place on May 10 as originally scheduled, the National Electoral Commission (PKW) informed late on Thursday. Although the lower house of parliament has approved the election to be carried out through postal voting, it remains unclear when exactly will it be held.

Ruling coalition leaders agree to postpone presidential election

Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party and its junior coalition partner reached a deal to allow for a presidential election scheduled for Sunday to be held at a later date, the two parties said in a statement late on Wednesday quoted by the PAP news agency.

EU Commission: Poland must ensure free and fair election

Less than four days before the planned presidential election in Poland, it is still unclear if the voting will actually take place as scheduled, and if not, then when. President Duda's aide said on Wednesday that he couldn't rule out postponement of the vote, or even dissolving of the parliament followed by a snap election, should the lawmakers fail to find majority to carry out a postal ballot. The crisis has worried the EU executive who on Wednesday discussed the issue and urged Poland to ensure "free and fair" election.

Senate rejects bid to hold presidential election by postal ballot

Poland's opposition-controlled upper house, the Senate, rejected a legislation put forward by the ruling party, that would allow presidential election to be carried out by postal voting on Sunday, May 10. The bill will now return to the lower house, the Sejm, which is likely to vote on it very soon.

Senate debates law allowing presidential election to be held by post

The Senate will decide whether to approve or reject a proposal by the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party to carry out presidential election as scheduled on Sunday, May 10, but through postal ballot. Depending on the upper house's decision, there are a number of possible scenarios that might unfold with regard to the election.

Senate speaker says ruling party employs "trickery" to push presidential vote through

The speaker of Poland's upper house of the parliament, the Senate, Tomasz Grodzki criticised the ruling Law and Justice party for using what he referred to as a "procedural trickery", in order to carry out presidential election scheduled for Sunday, May 10. The opposition has called for the introduction of a state of natural disaster to allow the election to be postponed.

Minister Sasin: presidential election on May 10 difficult to organise

Poland's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for State Assets, Jacek Sasin, told private station Radio Zet on Monday that the presidential election set to take place on Sunday (May 10) has become difficult to organise. According to Sasin, opposition-controlled upper house, the Senate, is to blame for such state of affairs.

Human rights commissioner asks court to block efforts to hold presidential vote

The Commissioner for Human Rights, Adam Bodnar, filed a protest on Wednesday at a Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw against Polish government's plan to carry out presidential election on May 10. The ombudsman argued the government's request for the Polish post office to prepare for a postal ballot was illegal because the relevant bill has not yet been approved by parliament.

EU executive launches infringement procedure against Poland over muzzling judges

The European Commission has launched an infringement procedure by sending a Letter of Formal Notice to Poland regarding the new law on the judiciary of 20 December 2019, which entered into force on 14 February 2020. "The new law on the judiciary undermines the judicial independence of Polish judges and is incompatible with the primacy of EU law," the EU executive wrote in a statement.

Hotels and shopping malls to reopen on May 4

Polish government announced on Wednesday that hotels and shopping malls would be allowed to reopen from on May 4. Health Minister Łukasz Szumowski said that recently more people in Poland have been recovering from COVID-19 than contracting the coronavirus. By Wednesday, Poland had reported 12,415 cases and 606 deaths.

Tusk: "Basic decency" a reason to boycott May presidential vote in Poland

"Basic human decency" should stop Poles from voting in a presidential election scheduled for May 10, Donald Tusk, the leader of the centre-right European People's Party and former Polish prime minister, said on Tuesday (April 28). In a video posted on Twitter, Tusk said he thought PiS could be persuaded to work on an alternative election plan that would be "safe and fundamentally fair," adding that he would not cast his vote.

New set of restrictions could be lifted soon. Number of infections nears 12,000

The Ministry of Health informed on Monday morning about 144 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infection and death of four infected persons. In total, SARS-CoV-2 virus has been detected in 11,761 people so far in Poland, of which 539 have died. Another set of restrictions could be lifted soon, as long as the number of infections keeps on a steady level, the ministry said. The Monetary Policy Council chief, Jerzy Kropiwnicki, said on Monday that Polish interest rates could be hiked within several months.