TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Health minister: arson attack in Zamość was an act of terror

At night between Sunday and Monday, an unknown perpetrator set fire to a building hosting sanitary inspection and vaccination point in the city of Zamość. "It was an act of terror," Health Minister Adam Niedzielski said on Monday, whereas PM Morawiecki called the incident an act of banditry.

Same cash bonus for all seven Polish mixed relay gold winners

Financial rewards that the gold-winning Polish mixed relay team are to cash in have been revealed. The Polish Olympic Committee told to that athletes who started in the semifinal and the final would receive the equal shares. Exact bonuses for the coaches have not been disclosed yet.

Andrzej Duda and Rafał Trzaskowski pay homage to Warsaw Uprising veterans

At a meeting in the Warsaw Rising Museum on Friday, President Andrzej Duda addressed the veterans of the insurgence. "It's always a great honour for me to be here with you, to be able to shake your precious and wonderful hands. To be able to hand in state decorations to the insurgents, and to those who work everyday to solidify Polish independence, and to solidify and preserve this memory, so incredibly important," said the president.

Court revokes prosecutor's decision and orders to launch inquiry into alleged pressuring of NIK auditors

A Warsaw court has revoked a prosecutor's office's decision not to launch an inquiry into alleged pressuring of Supreme Audit Office auditors by this institution's Vice-President Tadeusz Dziuba, according to a court order seen by According to the court, prosecutor's office's decision was "premature", as the investigators should have questioned the former PiS politician, as well as the other Vice-President of NIK, Małgorzata Motylow.

President Duda replies to the letter from Chief Justice regarding disciplinary chamber

President Andrzej Duda has responded to the letter from the First President of the Supreme Court Małgorzata Manowska. In the letter, Poland's Chief Justice commented on the situation the country's justice system has found itself after the recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union. "Everything suggests that legislative changes are needed," he said.

Cat returned to owner after being stolen by burglars

A 28-year-old woman living in Wrocław lost hope she would ever see her cat again after it had been stolen by burglars. Luckily, officers from the criminal investigation unit managed to catch the perpetrators and retrieve the animal, together with its favourite scratching posts.

Polish Deal. Gov't spokesperson reveals programme schedule

Projects being part of the Polish Deal are to be approved already this year, so that they could become effective starting next year - government spokesperson Piotr Mueller informed on Wednesday. Also that day, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met with some of the ministers to discuss implementation of the planned changes.

Marek Belka asks EU Commission about anti-TVN bill and rule of law violation

Member of the European Parliament Marek Belka has submitted an interpellation to the European Commission regarding a draft legislation, currently processed by the lower house, aimed at amending Poland's Broadcasting Act, known as the "anti-TVN" bill. In the document, the MEP asks questions regarding rule of law violation and attacks on media, as well as potential curbs on EU funds earmarked for Poland.

Gowin: there should be no restrictions for vaccinated people

Debate on potential lifting of restriction for vaccinated persons and keeping them in place for those unvaccinated has been going on for some time now. "Persons vaccinated against COVID-19 must be given a firm guarantee they won't be placed under any restrictions," Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology Jarosław Gowin has said on Twitter. Earlier on, he declared to support Entrepreneurship Council's call for immediate adoption of lockdown protection rules.

IMF raises Poland's GDP forecast for 2021 and 2022

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has raised forecast for Polish economy for 2021 and 2022. The fund expects the country's GDP this year to increase by 4.6 percent, and by 5.2 percent next year. The global GDP forecast for 2021 remains unchanged, while the IMF predicts it to increase by 4.9 percent next year. According to the organisation, potential further waves of the pandemic and new mutations of the virus may still influence financial forecasts.

Anti-TVN bill approved by a lower house committee

A draft amendment to the Broadcasting Act has been approved by the Sejm Culture and Media Committee. Amendments submitted by Kukiz'15 and Marek Suski (PiS) have been included in the draft, while the one by junior coalition partner Accord has been rejected.

Health minister decorates vaccination point staff attacked by anti-vaxxers

Poland's Health Minister Adam Niedzielski on Tuesday decorated employees of a vaccination point in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, who on Sunday had prevented anti-vaccination protesters against storming inside the building. A scuffle involving the police had also ensued. An ambulance had been damaged, two people had been arrested.

Morawiecki: we can't rule out "further-reaching" COVID measures

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki informed on Monday that the government could not rule out taking "further-reaching steps" regarding the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. He was to discuss the issue with the Medical Council later that day. He also announced "further incentives" to promote vaccinations. "99 percent of people who have recently died were unvaccinated. Do we need more striking data? - he asked.

LGBT activists block entrance to education ministry in protest against its chief

Three teenagers - activists from the LGBT+ Youth forum organisation - have chained themselves to the gates of the Ministry of Education and Science in Warsaw. One of them is a nephew of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. According to reporter Justyna Suchecka, they plan to protest for 24 hours. In the afternoon, Deputy Education Minister Tomasz Rzymkowski invited the three for talks.

Finance ministry plans to raise tax-free threshold to 30,000 PLN

Poland's Finance Minister Tadeusz Kościński informed that a draft tax law, a part of the Polish Deal package, has been prepared. He pointed out the changes would be either beneficial or neutral to 90 percent of taxpayers, some 23 million people. He added that 9 million people would be exempted from personal income tax, which in turn would allow them to keep 8 billion zlotys in their pockets. The project assumes, among other things, tax-free income threshold raised up to 30,000 zlotys annually.

Prosecutor seeks to charge Supreme Audit Office chief

The Prosecutor General has asked Poland's lower house of parliament, the Sejm, to lift the immunity of the President of the Supreme Audit Office Marian Banaś - the National Public Prosecutor's Office informed on Friday. The move has been made at the request of the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Białystok.

Broadcasting council chief answered questions regarding TVN24 licence extension in the Senate

Still not prolonged broadcasting licence for TVN24 was among the issues about which Polish senators asked the chief of the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) Witold Kołodziejski. He admitted that the process has been dragging its feet causing a "big problem". According to Kołodziejski, TVN's ownership situation, as well a merger between Warner Media and Discovery, are the main reasons behind the delay.

Broadcasting council: two votes were held over TVN24's licence extension

Two votes were held on Thursday regarding licence extention for TVN24 - spokesperson for Poland's National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) Teresa Brykczyńska told TVN24. "No decision has been made so far," she added. TVN24's current broadcasting licence expires in 66 days. The KRRiT has been examining the station's licence extension request for 17 months now.

Human rights court says Poland violated human right convention

The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Thursday that barrister Joanna Reczkowicz, whose case had been examined by Poland's contested Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court, had been deprived of her right to a fair trial and impartial court. "Newly created chamber of the Polish Supreme Court was in breach of the European Convention of Human Rights," the court said. Reczkowicz is to be paid 15,000 euros for non-pecuniary damage.

Poll: should the ruling party have influence on content broadcast by TVN?

Should the ruling party have influence on content broadcast by TVN? Kantar asked respondents this question in a poll carried out for TVN and TVN24. 86 percent gave negative answers. The question was asked in relation to the proposed changes to the Broadcasting Act put forward by a group of Law and Justice lawmakers.

Poll: role of the media and importance of media freedom

In a poll conducted by Kantar for TVN and TVN24, respondents were asked questions relating to media freedom and the so-called anti-TVN bill. According to the majority of those asked (77 percent), media freedom as one of the fundamental values of democracy. 72 percent also think that media should watch politicians' moves.