TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Tusk: human lives depend on PM's decision. It's our last chance to act

Donald Tusk criticised Polish government on Wednesday for inaction in the face of the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic. "Today is the last chance for PM Morawiecki to say what he's going to do stop the tragic statistics appearing every day," said the leader of Civic Platform. In his view, "lives of dozens of people each day depend on prime minister's decision". Poland reported 28,380 daily COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, the health ministry said, a record for the fourth wave of the pandemic. The ministry also reported 460 deaths.

Caravaggio's canvases at display in Warsaw's Royal Castle

An exhibition "The Time of Caravaggio in the Collection of Robert Longhi" has been opened at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. At display, there are Caravaggio's two masterpieces: Boy Bitten by a Lizard and Narcissus. The latter can be admired in a separate room.

Report: 2 million Poles live in extreme poverty

Two million Poles live in extreme poverty. "They have less than 20 zlotys a day to rent a flat and but cleaning products, shoes and clothes," says Joanna Sadzik, head of the Noble Gift (Szlachetna Paczka) charity. In this year's "Report on poverty", the authors use a graphic example to demonstrate how many people live in abject conditions - without a toilet, shower, and in cold.

ARTE and AFP journalists reprimanded by Polish court. Poland's ombudsman intervenes

Three journalists from ARTE television and AFP agency were reprimanded by a Polish court in September for entering the area where a state of emergency has been imposed due to the migrant crisis. Poland's Commissioner for Human Rights, Marcin Wiącek, says the ban on entering the zone has been introduced in violation of the constitution. The ombudsman expects the journalists be acquitted, and has filed for a cassation to the Supreme Court.

Police officer resuscitates motorist and saves his life

A police officer from Olsztyn was driving to work, when he saw a Skoda blocking the right lane. He approached the vehicle and saw that the driver was unconscious. The door was locked, so he broke the window, pulled the man outside and began resuscitation. The police have published a video of this incident.

'Ndrangheta member detained in Kraków

Domenico F., a member of the world's most dangerous crime organisations 'Ndrangheta, has been detained by Polish police in Kraków. The swift operation was possible thanks to cooperation within ENFAST police network.

Reynders: we only ask Polish government to comply with CJEU latest ruling

We ask the Polish government to implement the last decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding ending the disciplinary regime for judges, the European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders said in TVN24's "Fakty po Faktach" on Thursday. ""If you want to have the same application of the same EU law in all the member states, you need to apply and implement the decisions of the Court of Justice," he stressed.

PM Morawiecki comments on TVN24 report on his controversial campaign donations

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Thursday commented on a report by TVN24's "Czarno na białym" on donations to his election campaign, made by his associates hired in state-owned companies. "It's fake news created by some TV stations, which is later spinned by the media only to be played out and commented on," he said, adding that the National Electoral Commission had approved PiS's campaign declaration "with no reservations".

"Poland's relationship with the United Kingdom is a long and close marriage"

After meeting with Britain's Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, Poland's Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak thanked the United Kingdom on Thursday for being able to rely on it, and for its involvement in challanges that lay ahead. "Of course, one such challenge is the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border," the minister stressed. "Poland and the United Kingdom will stand side by side in all the challenges that come our way," Ben Wallace said. The Royal Engineers will help Polish forces to protect the border with Belarus, which is also an EU frontier.

G7 group call on Belarus to end "aggressive and exploitative campaign"

Foreign ministers from the G7 group of wealthy economies condemned Belarus for orchestrating irregular migration across its borders, and called for an immediate halt to what it called an "aggressive and exploitative campaign". Belarus wants the European Union to take in 2,000 migrants and Minsk will send 5,000 others back to their countries to fix the crisis on the Polish border, the president's spokeswoman was quoted as saying by Belta news agency on Thursday.

Sejm passes draft amendment to border protection law

The Sejm passed a draft amendment to the border protection law on Wednesday. If ratified, the legislation will allow the authorities to ban people from the border area. Such temporary bans would be issued by the interior minister, based on the opinion of the Border Guard chief.

Nazi artefacts seized by Polish customs from a German citizen

Polish customs officers at the border crossing in Dorohusk (Lubelskie Voivodeship) inspected a vehicle driven by a German citizen and found dozens of artefacts that could have historical value. The found items included a helmet, peaked cap, and compasses, most likely from the WWII era. As the man did not declare carrying the said items, they have been confiscated.

Footage shows large groups of migrants gathering in central Minsk

TVN24 has seen footage from Minsk showing large groups of migrants, most likely from the Middle East. In one video, dozens of people are waiting at a parking lot in the city centre. In recent weeks, migrants have been flying in to Belarusian capital, from where they are being transported in buses to the border with Poland and Lithuania.