TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Happiness for everyone? Questions about Law and Justice's electoral promises

It's the finance minister's secret where will Law and Justice find the money for its windfall of electoral promises. One month ago, when asked about expanding the 500+ programme to include every child, minister Rafalska replied that budget can't afford it. Today, we hear that the budget can afford everything. Has the world ever seen miracles like this before? Economists say, of course they have. Among others, in Greece.

Girl scouts killed by severe weather. Deputy chief of the camp heard charges

More charges were filed in the case from 2017 when two girl scouts were killed in severe weather conditions in Suszek. The girls died when raging storms came through the area where scouts had set up their camp. There were also many injured. The latest person who has heard charges is Włodzimierz D., the deputy chief of the girl scout camp. Prosecution claims that, among other things, he failed to secure emergency routes and shelter for the scouts. The man pleaded not guilty and faces up to five years in prison.

Police wants to charge people who tried to block nationalists' march

There was a legally sanctioned march and the attempt to block it. Now, there will be legal consequences for the counter-demonstrators. According to the police, they are seeking charges for more than 70 people who tried to disrupt the march in memory of the "Cursed Soldiers". The nationalists' march brought with it a lot of controversy.

President signed the bill. Salaries at the central bank are to be made public

The weeks-long debate surrounding the disclosure of salaries for upper management staff of the National Bank of Poland is over. President Andrzej Duda signed a bill into law which will make the salaries transparent. This was the result after journalist from "Gazeta Wyborcza" found that an NBP employee with close ties to the bank's president was making an unusually high salary.

Teachers and disabled outraged after being ignored by government

Financial windfall of electoral promises. Law and Justice announced new entitlements leading up to the spring and fall elections. The 500+ programme will be expanded, pensions will be greater no income tax for those 26 and under. But teachers and caregivers of disabled persons are crying foul after they were left out of spending increases, their problems left unresolved and their demands ignored.

Toppled monument to priest Jankowski has been further vandalised

The reinstallation of the monument of Father Jankowski that was toppled will require paperwork. That may take some time, according to Gdańsk city officials. The statue is being repaired and its owners want it to return to its rightful place. Last week, at night between Thursday and Friday, the pedestal was further vandalised.

Food intended for the needy given out at election rallies?

Forty six tonnes of food for the needy and homeless could have disappeared from the Lower Silesian branch of the Polish Red Cross. This is a new thread in scandal that the prosecutor's office will have to investigate. Civic Platform is calling on the Public Prosecutor General and Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro to release material concerning Law and Justice politicians in the so-called Polish Red Cross scandal.