TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Foreign ministers marked 30 years of the Weimar Triangle

German and French foreign ministers - Zbigniew Rau, Heiko Maas and Jean-Yves Le Drian met on Friday in Weimar to mark the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Weimar Triangle. Rau said that it was a time of maturity and huge perspectives for further cooperation. Le Drian added that this format was a "chance for sincere discussion and seeking accord".

Kamil Glik's family received threats from English fans

A half-time scuffle between player during Poland vs England qualifier in Warsaw has sparked yet another scandal. After Poland's defender Kamil Glik has been accused of racism, which the player strenuously denies, his wife Marta Glik has published threats she and her family had received from English fans.

Donald Tusk: Nord Stream 2 is against EU interests

"I've said it many times as European Council chief, and as prime minister - it's a mistake and an inexcusable one. A mistake caused by egoistically defined German interest," acting chairman of Civic Platform Donald Tusk said in TVN24 on Friday. He stressed that the construction of the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was contrary to the interest of the EU as a whole.

Senate rejects contested media reform bill

Poland's opposition-led upper house of parliament, the Senate, on Thursday rejected a broadcast reform bill that critics say is aimed at silencing a U.S.-owned, anti-government news channel.

"Hedgehog" got stuck at the river. American soldiers let it loose

American soldiers from NATO battalion battle group have dug out a "hedgehog", that is an anti-tank obstacle most likely from WWII era. One of its beams was sticking out on a shore of Orzysza river for years. The "hedgehog" was placed in front of a museum, next to a T-34 tank which had "starred" in Kazik Staszewski's music video last year.

Student from Wrocław prints prostheses for disabled dogs

3D printing processes in the service of animals. A veterinary medicine student from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is using modern printers to produce prostheses for disabled dogs. His first patients are Sonia, a 3-year-old which lost a part of its hind leg hit by a car, and 8-year-old Leto, whose front paw was damaged by a train. But more and more people in need for help for their pupils are coming to Maciej Szczepański.

Poznań: paramedics attacked in the street during intervention

First verbal assault and then physical violence. A scuffle broke out in a street in Poznań between a paramedic and two young persons - a man and a woman. Unfortunately, the video of the incident does not show what happened before. "Medical rescuer was hit in the face, he then tried to chase the attacker away," an EMS spokesman said. The police are investigating the incident.

High rotation in foreigner centres in Podlaskie province

"Centres in foreigners in Podlaskie aren't filled to capacity, but rotation is high," - said Katarzyna Zdanowicz, spokeswoman for the Podlaski Border Guard Regional Unit (POSG). She added that although the facilities could still take in more foreigners, the situation was dynamic.

Legendary voice-over artist Tomasz Knapik dies at 77

Academic lecturer and legendary TV, film and radio voice-over artist Tomasz Knapik has died at the age of 77. His son, TVN journalist and our dear colleague Maciej Knapik, informed about his father's passing on Monday.

Passersby catch man who had to jump out of burning house

A dozen passersby gathered next to a burning building with a 60-year-old man still inside. The fire cut off the man's escape route. "An idea emerged to try to catch him. It worked. The man came out alive, only slightly bruised," one of the brave passersby, Emil Kinal, told TVN24. Firefighters praised their heroism, but stressed it had been very risky.

Border area residents about life under state of emergency

State of emergency has been imposed along Poland's border area with Belarus. Local residents complain about difficulties with free movement and military presence. "Most of the country have no idea how it is here," said a local woman. Poland's Border Guard informed that 151 attempts of illegal border crossing had been prevented on Sunday alone.

"Thanks to him my father is alive". Daughters seek out and thank lifesaver

A 55-year-old man suffered electric shock while working at a construction site. The man's daughters later found out that an unknown man helped their father. They decided to find the stranger. They published a post in social media and they made it. They found the man, named Norbert, and thanked him for saving their father's life.

Two young Afghans die after mushroom poisoning

A six-year-old Afghan boy who ate poisonous mushrooms has died. Doctors from the Child Health Centre on Friday confirmed the child's brain death. On Tuesday the boy underwent a liver transplant, but his condition worsened. On Thursday, doctors confirmed the death of his 5-year-old brother.

Police: former Jesuit and his accomplice accused of stealing art works and robbing 91-year-old woman

Police from the Mokotów district in Warsaw have arrested a former Jesuit and his accomplice - a 42-year-old unemployed man. They have been accused of stealing antique works of art from a Jesuit College at Rakowiecka street, worth nearly 100,000 zlotys. According to a police spokesman, after leaving the Jesuits, the man married a 91-year-old woman, while his partner robbed the lady and secured a notarial access to her assets.