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TVN24 News in English

Email scandal: chief of PM's office was to discuss rulings of Constitutional Court with top judge

According to another message leaked from the head of prime minister's office Michał Dworczyk's email account, he is believed to have had a discussion with the President of Constitutional Tribunal Julia Przyłębska regarding functioning of the high court. The news sparked outrage among opposition politicians who commented on the issue on Tuesday. According to Civic Platform MP Grzegorz Schetyna, this demonstrates the way in which the ruling PiS party "wants to treat the whole judicial system". Chief of the Left parliamentary club Krzysztof Gawkowski said that Dworczyk should be charged by a prosecutor, while his party colleague Tomasz Trela demanded judge Przyłębska's resignation.

U.S. Ambassador Mark Brzezinski: my father loved Poland and wished it all the best

"Just as we have things to work on, the Polish government has things to work on. And that’s why we have a continuing dialogue with the Polish government on democracy and rule of law, which is two ways," U.S. Ambassador Mark Brzezinski said in an exclusive interview for "Fakty" TVN reporter Katarzyna Kolenda-Zaleska. He also shared some of his childhood memories, spoke about what Poland meant to his family, and how he understood his mission as ambassador. "It means a lot and it weighs heavily on me, I won’t lie to you. It means everything to and my family, because my dad loved Poland and he wanted the best for Poland," ambassador Brzezinski said.

Rau: Russia's attack on Ukraine calls into question European security system built after Cold War

In an address to OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the organisation's Chairman-in-Office Zbigniew Rau, who also serves as Poland's Minister of Foreign Affairs, said "the Russian aggression against Ukraine, supported by Belarus, calls into question our European security system that was built after the end of the Cold War". He added that the international community had thought Russia's "immoral and barbaric instruments for waging war belonged to the past". "Sadly, we were wrong," Rau said.

Poland's MFA chief: Finland's NATO accession will increase safety in Baltic area

"Poland gladly welcomes your bid to join NATO, in my country there is a political consensus to proceed with ratification as soon as possible," Poland's Minister of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau said on Friday during his visit to Helsinki. In his opinion, Finland's accession to NATO " will strengthen the Alliance and significantly increase safety and political stability in the area of the Baltic Sea". Rau also stressed the importance of imposing further sanctions on Russia.

Jourova: Poland's Supreme Court law does not fulfil recovery plan milestones

Asked on Thursday whether Poland's recently renewed law on the Supreme Court fulfils the milestones for the recovery plan, European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova replied: "No, it does not". "Poland will need to reflect on the conditions," she said, reiterating that the EU executive would not pay out the recovery money if Poland does not comply.

President: NATO summit decisions completely opposite to Putin's expectations

President Andrzej Duda said on Thursday (June 30) that the decisions taken by NATO at Madrid summit were "something completely opposite to what Putin wanted to achieve" by attacking Ukraine. "This whole situation is undoubtedly Russia's defeat," he added. "Russia is an aggressor and everyone can see it. It violates international law standards and commits crimes against civilians," Duda stressed.

Warsaw delighted with Biden's promise to establish 5th Army permanent HQ in Poland

Poland on Wednesday hailed U.S. President Joe Biden's commitment to establish the 5th Army's Headquarters in Poland as the realisation of a long-held dream that would send a clear signal to Russia. "In Poland we're gonna establish a permanent headquarters for the US Fifth Army Corps and strengthening our US NATO inter-operability across the entire eastern flank," Biden told NATO summit held in Madrid.

Kantar poll: can PiS lead to Poland's exit from the EU?

In a Kantar poll carried out for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, the respondents were asked if the policy pursued by the ruling PiS party could lead to Poland's exit from the European Union. 43% of those asked think that such risk indeed exists, whereas 48% say that the ruling party policy carries no such risk. 9% did not have an opinion on this matter.

Presidential aide: Russia is the problem, not the Suwałki Gap

"This is a place which Russia can make dangerous," presidential aide Jakub Kumoch said in "Rozmowa Piaseckiego" in TVN24, referring to the Suwałki Gap. "Today's Russia can turn any place into the most dangerous place on Earth," added the chief of the International Policy Bureau in the Chancellery of the President of Poland. Kumoch also argued that the question of the Suwałki corridor, squeezed between Russia's Kaliningrad exclave and Belarus, was one of the main reasons why NATO should increase its presence in Poland. President's advisor was also asked about NATO summit in Madrid and the question of German war reparations.

Kaczyński attacks LGBT+ people. Reactions of politicians

Poland's ruling party leader Jarosław Kaczyński sparked outrage with his comments attacking transgender people at PiS supporters rallies in Włocławek and Grudziądz. "It's clear that the upcoming year, a year before parliamentary elections, will be a year of Jarosław Kaczyński setting people against further social groups," Civic Platform secretary general Marcin Kierwiński said in reaction to PiS leader's comments. The Left party announced on Monday it would file a complaint against Kaczyński to the Deputies' Ethics Committee and request he be punished. "One must face responsibility for such words," said Robert Biedroń, one of the New Left leaders.

Equality Parade and KievPride marched through Warsaw to celebrate diversity


Equality Parade marched through the streets of Warsaw on Saturday. This year it took a special form as the Ukrainian KievPride joined in. The participants walked in the accompaniment of music played from dozens of rainbow-coloured platforms. "You can see whole families here, gay and lesbian people with parents, brothers, sisters," said LGBT activists and lawyer Krystian Legierski. He added that the parade has recently become a "whole-family celebration". Among the international guests who took part in this year's parade was European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli.

Key election topics of Polish voters. Poll by Kantar for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24

According to the latest poll conducted by Kantar for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, 43% of those surveyed declared that tackling high prices would be the crucial issue for them when choosing which party to support in the next election. The issue of military security of Poland would be the crucial deciding factor for 22% of voters, whereas social policy - for instance the 500+ programme - would be key for 14%.

Divers locate sunken sailing boat in Śniardwy Lake

Divers from the Masurian Volunteer Search and Rescue have located a sailing boat at the bottom Śniardwy Lake. Now, the owner of the vessel, which sank last year, will have to decide whether to have it refloated or not. The estimated cost is approx. 5,000 zlotys. The divers have published a video of the sunken boat. Some internet users called the footage "a coverage from a galaxy far away".