TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Children's ombudsman says LGBT activism is unpatriotic

"LGBT people exist, I'm not denying that. But the way in which certain ideas are being spread, that aren't compatible with traditionally Polish understanding of, let's say, patriotism, is not right" - Poland's Commissioner for Children Rights Protection Mikołaj Pawlak told TVN24 on Tuesday. He also said that the latest actions taken by LGBT activist Margot contradicted "what Poland really is". In reaction to his words former education minister Krystyna Szumilas said: "I wish the Commissioner for Children Rights Protection would take care of children, and stopped being a mouthpiece for the government or some misinterpreted forms of patriotism".

Coronavirus: Poland bans direct flights from 44 countries, including USA, Israel and Spain

Poland is banning from Wednesday direct flights from 44 countries including Spain, the United States, Israel and Romania in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the Central European country, the government said on Tuesday. Hungary, which had closed its borders for foreign tourists, has decided to reopen them to its three East European neighbours, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

President Duda: thanks to Solidarity we now live in a free country

"Solidarity" has made it possible for us to live today in a free, sovereign and independent country. We must never forget about that" - president Andrzej Duda said on Monday in Gdańsk, marking the 40th anniversary of signing of the Gdańsk Agreement. Remembering the events of August 1980, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called them "a dignity revolution". He also mentioned the situation in Belarus. "Brother Belarusians, now you are having your August, your own solidarity rising. We are with you" - he stressed.

Lech Wałęsa spoke at the 40th anniversary of the Gdańsk Agreement

"It was the biggest triumph in the Polish history, it was based on defeating the old regime, but at the same on convincing the defeated to become friends" - former Poland's president Lech Wałęsa said during the commemorations of the 40th anniversary of the Gdańsk Agreement, which he was a signatory of. "We never had such friendship like the one we'd created then. Who had to destroy it?" - asked the former president.

Printing shop refuses to make anti-LGBT leaflets for far-right organisation

"As an association of people with disabilities we very often call for tolerance and condemn acts of hostility" - reads a statement issued by "Dalej Razem" association, which helps people with autism. The association owns a printing shop that refused to print leaflets for a far-right "National Radical Camp" organisation. The leaflets were meant to discriminate against LGBT people.

Health ministry: 791 coronavirus cases, 9 deaths on Friday

The Ministry of Health informed on Friday about 791 newly confirmed coronavirus infection cases, and the death of 9 infected people. In total, Poland has reported 65,480 cases and 2,018 deaths since the start of the pandemic. Poland will also ban inbound flights from 46 countries and shorten quarantine period for suspect cases down to 10 days.

"Masked men in black jackets". TVN journalist detained in Minsk

"We were approached by several undercover officers. They told us to go with them. They said they were with the militia, but didn't show any credentials. They were masked, clad in black jackets, with no visible ID badges" - Fakty TVN correspondent Andrzej Zaucha said after he had been detained by Belarusian militia on Thursday.

Strong wind blew off a little tin shed in central Poland

One of the residents of the city of Zgierz in central Poland has learned in a hard way just how strong the wind was on Wednesday. His little tin tool shed was blown off while he was inside. Luckily, no one was hurt in the incident. The video was sent to us via Kontakt 24 platform.

Poland summons Belarusian ambassador over Lukashenko's accusations

Poland said on Thursday it had summoned the Belarus ambassador to protest at "unfounded accusations" after Belarusian media said President Alexander Lukashenko had accused Warsaw of plotting to seize part of the country if its crisis worsened. Belarusian head of state also said that "a diplomatic war aimed at Belarus has been going on at the highest levels". Earlier on that day, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki reiterated his call on authorities in Minsk to "release the illegally detained and interrogated opposition activists".

Sensational finding for Polish cinema. Missing film score found in Italy after decades

A long-lost film score for the 1930 movie "Janko Muzykant" directed by Ryszard Ordyński has been found in a private collection in Italy - the National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute (FINA) has told Polish Press Agency (PAP). Based on a short story under the same name by Polish writer and winner of 1905 Nobel Prize in Literature, Henryk Sienkiewicz, the picture was one of the first sound films in Poland.

"Never stop dreaming". Robert Lewandowski in seventh heaven after winning Champions League

"Never stop dreaming. Never give up when you fail. Work hard to achieve your goal" - Bayern Munich's star striker Robert Lewandowski wrote on his Twitter fanpage, above the picture of him and the Champions League trophy. On Sunday, Poland's skipper added the most coveted prize in European club football to the already vast collection of triumphs, as Bayern defeated PSG in the final game of the tournament.

"Lebanese political class is incompetent". Activist calls for international inquiry into Beirut blast

"Outrage, horror, shock, disgust, indignation, rage, grief - all of these emotions are shared by every Lebanese citizen," a Lebanese expert on public policy and political activist Sara El-Yafi has told TVN24 reporter Łukasz Jedliński. In her opinion, "the Lebanese political class is incapable and incompetent" and she has called for an international investigation into the horrific blast that killed at least 177 people in Beirut on August 4, leaving about 300,000 people homeless.

PM Morawiecki announces new foreign and health ministers

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced on Thursday that Zbigniew Rau would replace Jacek Czaputowicz as the head of the foreign ministry, and Adam Niedzielski would become the new health minister, replacing Łukasz Szumowski. Czaputowicz announced his resignation earlier that day, whereas Szumowski - on Tuesday.