TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Teenager killed at school had been abducted and beaten a month prior to his death

16-year-old Kuba who was murdered in one of the schools in Warsaw's Wawer district two weeks ago had been abducted and beaten a month prior to the tragedy in school, according to the information gathered by portal. The prosecutor's office informed that a 29-year-old man has been charged in connection to the beating. He has been taken under police supervision.

ECJ's ruling on EU Commission's complaint against Poland over top court reform on June 24

The Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) informed on Thursday that it will hand down the ruling regarding the complaint the European Commission filed against Poland over the changes made to Polish Supreme Court. The reform resulted in some of the justices being forced to retire, including the head of Poland's top court, Chief Justice Małgorzata Gersdorf.