TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Ryszard Petru demands compensation for being banned to park on Sejm's premises

No free parking for Ryszard Petru. He has been barred from using the same parking lot since the protest of the disabled in the parliament back in June. At the time, two of colleagues from Modern Party tried to smuggle into the Sejm an activist from the Obywatele RP (Citizens of the Republic) organisation in the trunk of their car. They were banned from entering the premises in their cars until July the 20th. The ban, however, has not been lifted for Mr Petru. Now, he is vowing to park there of Wednesday, Thusday and even Friday.

Investigation and political turmoil after a double homicide in Warsaw

The Deputy Minister of Justice has ordered an official investigation into double murder in Warsaw. The oppositions hold the minister politically responsible and has called for his dismissal. The accused is believed to have strangled a woman and her child while still serving a sentence for the murder of another woman. But somehow he was granted a furlough.

Shirley Watts buys two mares at Michałowice horse auction

Polish Arabian horses were under a hammer in Michałowice near Kraków. It was organised by people previously linked with a the stables in Michałów and Janów Podlaski. Four horses have been sold for a total of 60.000 euros. Shirley Watts, the wife of Rolling Stones' drummer Charlie Watts bought two of them.

Too young to retire. Jarosław Kaczyński says it's not yet his time to quit politics

Due to the overhaul of the judiciary and the forced retirement of judges once they reach the age of 65, a question has been posed to the Chairman of Law and Justice, Jarosław Kaczyński, if he himself isn't too old to be a politician and if perhaps he should retire. Law and Justice claims that their politicians are democratically elected, whereas judges are not. According to them, this makes a difference.

Polish Supreme Court asks CJEU for another two preliminary rulings

The Supreme Court (SN) has submitted another two requests for preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union, regarding independence of the judiciary, Supreme Court press office's Krzystof Michałowski told Polish Press Agency (PAP) on Tuesday. SN also asked for an expedited procedure.

Poland's National Bank's head sees no rate rises through 2019

Poland’s central bank governor Adam Glapiński said on Wednesday interest rates should remain unchanged until at least the end of 2019, or possibly longer, as steady borrowing costs support strong growth in central Europe’s largest economy.