TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Kwaśniewski about president Duda's EU comment: unfounded and dangerous words

Extremely controversial words from the president of Poland. Andrzej Duda, during his speech in Leżajsk, called the European union an imaginary community. Now, one of his predecessors responds. Former president Aleksander Kwaśniewski says that if such words are an element of a premeditated strategy, they would be dangerous, and go against the national interest of Poland.

European NATO jets showcase unified Russian deterrence

British, French and German fighter jets simulated flight interceptions over Western Europe on Wednesday as part of NATO drills to deter Russian planes from entering allied airspace and to showcase European efforts to integrate their air defences.

MP Jerzy Meysztowicz fined for "extremely inappropriate" words in the Sejm

A hefty fine for strong words in the Sejm. Modern Party MP, Jerzy Meysztowicz lost his monthly allowance. This was after the Sejm's Presidium decided that the form of his statement in the plenary room was "extremely inappropriate". The man in question says the justification for the decision was imprecise and that, in fact, he isn't sure what the fine was for.

"Challenge 2018". Top NATO skydivers show their skills

Soldiers from seven NATO member-countries are taking part in a multidisciplinary skydiving competition called "Challenge 2018". Poland will be represented by the elite 25th Air Cavalry Brigade from Tomaszów Mazowiecki. Among the challenges is skydiving to a target and swimming. Some of the best military skydivers from Europe will take part in the competition.

Centre of attention. Residents of Piątek fight to keep the central point of Poland status

It used to be the centre of Poland - now it's the centre of controversy. This is almost a literally groundbreaking story. Where's the precise centre of Poland? For years experts have thought it was in a small village of Piątek. But according to new calculations, that's incorrect. Residents still want to be in the centre of attention and have vowed to fight on to maintain their status.