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TVN24 News in English

EU agrees on 2050 climate neutrality without Poland

There was no veto from the Polish prime minister, so the EU climate neutrality goal will still include Poland. Organisations that deal with climate politics note that the only thing Mateusz Morawiecki brought back from Brussels was a 6-month delay in an unchangeable decision. This means that Europe would be the first continent to achieve climate neutrality, and for the moment, the only one.

New doubts regarding Supreme Audit Office chief's assets come to light

Questions are being asked of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) President - on huge sums of money, on how he had 200.000 zlotys at his home, on why he didn't put 2 million zlotys on his asset declaration. "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna" poses these questions about Marian Banaś' assets. Meanwhile, the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau has doubts on the issue. The prosecutor is investigating, and the head of Law and Justice admits that the party hopes the NIK president will be guided by common sense and resign.

Polish judges and experts protest against latest government plans to reform courts

Polish judges could be sacked if they question the legitimacy of judicial reforms, under draft legislation that the nationalist government has introduced, in a move set to deepen a row between Brussels and Warsaw over democratic standards. Many Polish judges and legal experts protest against the planned reforms and dismiss them as further violation of the constitution and EU law.

Polish spelunkers discover tonnes of waste inside a cave in the Sudetes

A cave that has become a huge trash heap has now been deemed a health hazard. Spelunkers from the Cave Patrol decided to test dust and particles from the Jaskinia z Filarami in the Sudetes. Unfortunately, the worst fears were confirmed. Among the waste there's mainly asbestos, possibly several tonnes of the dangerous material.

Poland sees limited room for Russia diplomacy despite Macron's overtures

Poland sees limited room for diplomacy and dialogue with Russia, a senior Polish official said, despite attempts by French President Emmanuel Macron to persuade Warsaw to rethink its relationship with Moscow. European Union leaders meeting in Brussels have agreed to extend their main economic sanctions against Russia for six months to the end of July 2020.

Sejm changes rules for selecting members of National Electoral Commission

The Sejm is changing the rules and regulations on appointing members of the National Electoral Commission. Seven out of the ten members will be chosen by MPs. They will also be able to motion to dismiss them. This destroys independence and politicises yet another state body, say Civic Platform MPs, who submitted three changes to the bill - all of which were rejected.

Questions about SOP's reckless driving after deputy PM's limousine collision

Another collision with a limousine from the State Protection Service (SOP), and even more questions from the opposition, whoch is asking when the state-funded reckless driving will end. In question is Wednesday's accident involving a government car carrying Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin. The SOP vehicle was speeding on the S7 road and hit a delivery truck.

"Possibility to recall judges". PiS drafts new law on common courts

Law and Justice parliamentary club on Thursday submitted in the Sejm a draft bill amending the law on common courts, as well as the Supreme Court - informed United Poland's MP Jan Kanthak. He added that the provisions include "possiblity of recalling judges who would assume the right to question the National Council of the Judiciary".

Accident with government limo with deputy PM Jarosław Gowin on board

Yet another collision of a government linousine. This time with a Deputy Prime Minister on board. Luckily, Jarosław Gowin wasn't hurt. The crash was caused by the driver of the State Protection Service, who received a fine and penalty points. The opposition has severely criticised Law and Justice for the changes it introduced to VIP protection.