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TVN24 News in English

Horrifying simulations of potential damage caused by global warming

The latest analyses carried out by the Climate Central organisation depicts damage we may be facing, if we don't curb emission of greenhouse gases. The "Environmental Research Letters" academic magazine published research showing that seaside cities are at serious risk of being affected by cliamte change. In order to emphasise the gravity of the situation, the experts prepared realistic visualisations. Many coastal cities across the globe may be flooded, including Poland's Gdynia and Gdańsk.

Dariusz Martynowicz named Poland's Teacher of the Year for 2021

Dariusz Martynowicz, a teacher of Polish at Małopolska Szkoła Gościnności (Lesser Poland's School of Hospitality) in Myślenice has been named Teacher of the Year for 2021. He won a competition whose aim is to award teachers particularly valued by students, parents, and local communities.

Coronavirus: highest spike in infections in four months

The Ministry of Health informed on Tuesday about 2,118 new coronavirus cases and the death of 49 Covid patients. Since the start of the pandemic Poland has reported 2,925,425 infection cases and 75,918 Covid-related deaths.

Medics from National Stadium accuse interior ministry hospital of misallocating public funds

The Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw (MSWiA hospital) is said to have misallocated public funds, which were meant to be used as bonuses for medical personnel at the COVID field hospital at the National Stadium in Warsaw - learned from a complaint filed at the prosecutor's office. The MSWiA hospital authorities claim they didn't mention covid bonuses in job offers when recruiting staff to the temporary hospital.

Less visitors at Wolf's Lair due to the pandemic

Former residence of Hitler, the Wolf's Lair in Gierłoża near Kętrzyn (Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship) has been already visited by 250,000 tourists this year. Compared to the pre-pandemic times, it approx. 70,000 visitors less - Chief of Srokowo Forestry, Zenon Piotrowicz, told Polish Press Agency.

EU faces crisis after Polish high court ruling challenged bloc's law supremacy

A Polish court ruling challenging the supremacy of EU law plunged the European Union into an existential crisis on Friday and raised the possibility of Poland leaving the 27-nation bloc. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said she was "deeply concerned" by the ruling and that the executive she leads would do all in its power to ensure the primacy of EU law. Welcoming the court ruling, Poland's prime minister said his country wanted to stay in the wealthy trade and political group it joined in 2004 but that each member state must be treated equally and with respect.

Firemen hear woman screaming and save her choking baby

An 11-week-old baby suddenly choked and stopped breathing. Despite her best efforts, the boy's mother, Giulia, couldn't help him. Luckily, she remembered there was a fire station very nearby. "I ran outside the house in pyjamas and slippers and I shouted for help. Luckily, they heard me. The gate was closed, but they jumped over the fence," the woman said. The firemen saved her boy's life.

Activist Grandma Kasia sentenced by court for assaulting police officers

Activist Katarzyna A., better known as Babcia Kasia (Grandma Kasia), has been sentenced to six months of community work, after being found guilty of violating bodily integrity of three police officers. Gradma Kasia's attorney has appealed against the sentence issued in the absence of parties, which means the plaintiff and the defendant will face each other in court.

Deputy ombudsperson: what happens at border with Belarus is pure horror

Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights Dr. Hanna Machińska commented for TVN24 on the situation of migrants at the Polish-Belarusian border. "As a state we are still deaf and blind," she said, stressing that migrants often don't understand the procedure of applying for international protection. "We see women in advanced pregnancy. We shouldn't expect they will be fully conscious partners in the procedure. First and foremost, they should be offered help. And it's the state's duty," she said.

Borrowers likely to be affected as Poland ups interest rates

Poland's Monetary Policy Council announced it has increased the NBP interest rates for the first time in 9 years, in order to curb inflation the highest inflation spike in 20 years. The reference rate has been increased by 0.4 percentage points, up to 0.50%. The decision will likely affect payments of loan borrowers.

Coronavirus: 2,085 infections and 33 deaths on Wednesday

Poland's Health Ministry informed on Wednesday about 2,085 new coronavirus cases, most of them in Lubelskie and Mazowieckie provinces, as well as 33 COVID-related deaths. The country's Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska said daily COVID-19 cases have risen by around 70% in the past week, warning the country that a fourth wave of the outbreak is gathering pace.

Border Guard: our duty is to protect borders, not helping people to cross them

Polish Border Guard spokesperson Anna Michalska said on Tuesday the service won't be giving illegal immigrants "a lift" to other European capitals, "so they could file for international protection there". "We register requests by these people right here, in Poland. And if they declare they want to file in other countries, then they should find a legal way to get there," she added.

Episcopate calls for humanitarian aid for migrants

In an appeal for humanitarian help for migrants, the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki, wrote that it "should become a priority of action for both state and non-governmental institutions". He also stressed that "one cannot stigmatize newcomers by making harmful generalizations".

He photographed besieged Warsaw. Julien Bryan commemorated in Wola

A commemorative plaque for American photographer Julien Bryan has been unveiled on the wall of the Headquarters of the Military Police at Ostroroga street in Warsaw's Wola district. Bryan documented the fighting in Poland's capital city under German siege, as well as everyday life of Warsaw residents in September of 1939.