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TVN24 News in English

New coronavirus restrictions. Warsaw nearly certain to join "yellow zone"

Due to a spike in coronavirus cases in Poland, the Ministry of Health has introduced a set of new restrictions that are to become effective in the so-called red and yellow zones. "From Saturday on, Warsaw will almost certainly join the yellow zone" - said the spokesman for the health ministry Wojciech Andrusiewicz.

Poland and Lithuania recall ambassadors from Belarus

Lithuania and Poland have decided to recall their ambassadors to Belarus for consultations in the hope of reducing regional tensions, days after they dismissed a demand from Minsk that they do so. "Support for Belarusians and their efforts to democratize the country remains a priority to us" - Poland's FM Zbigniew Rau wrote on Twitter.

EU parliament debated linking funds to the rule of law

The European Parliament on Monday debated the proposed mechanism tying the distribution of EU funds to observing the rule of law by member states. "Breaches of the rule of law cannot be tolerated and we will continue to defend it" - said Vera Jourova, European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency.

Coronavirus: 2,236 infections, 58 deaths on Tuesday

The Ministry of Health on Tuesday confirmed 2,236 new coronavirus infections, as well as the death of 58 COVID-infected patients. Since the start of the pandemic, Poland has recorded more than 104,000 infection cases. Furthermore, another 40 ventilators have been put to use within the last 24 hours, over 550 hospital beds have been taken, and 24,000 coronavirus tests have been done.

Radek Rak wins the 2020 Nike Literary Award

Fantasy writer Radek Rak has been awarded the Nike Literary Award for "A Tale of a Serpent’s Heart or Another Word about Jakób Szela". This year's readers' award went to Joanna Gierak-Onoszko for "The 27 Deaths of Tony Obed".

Robert Lewandowski scores 4 goals and becomes Bundesliga's man of the week

Robert Lewandowski has been named the best player of the 3rd week of German Bundesliga by "Kicker" magazine. Bayern Munich's striker, who has just been crowned the Player of the Year by UEFA, scored four goals against Hertha Berlin on Sunday, helping his team to win the thrilling game 4:3. Polish goalkeeper Rafał Gikiewicz from Augsburg has also made it to the week's best eleven.

Coronavirus report: over 2,000 infections on Monday, over 100,000 in total

Poland's total number of coronavirus cases passed the 100,000 mark on Sunday, according to the health ministry's Twitter account, as infection rates surge in the country which has reported daily records three times in the past week. On Monday, the ministry confirmed 2,006 new infection cases and further 29 deaths.

Napoli and Poland in trouble as Piotr Zieliński tests positive for COVID-19

Napoli's Poland midfielder Piotr Zieliński has tested positive for COVID-19, the Serie A club said on Friday, five days after they hosted Genoa who have been hit by a spate of cases. The player will miss a hit match against bitter rivals Juventus on Sunday, as well as three games for Poland's national team against Finland, Italy and Bosnia.

New map of coronavirus restrictions. Warsaw likely to join yellow zone soon

Due to the latest series of spikes in coronavirus infections in Poland, the Ministry of Health on Thursday updated the map of restrictions. The list consists of 44 counties and 7 cities with county rights that have been marked either a yellow or red zone. 17 of them, including the town of Sopot, have been marked red, whereas 34, including Gdańsk, Gdynia, Szczecin, Kielce and Rzeszów, have been marked yellow. The capital city of Warsaw is on the list of places likely to have coronavirus restrictions tightened soon. The changes become effective on Saturday (Oct.3).

Robert Lewandowski wins UEFA Player of the Year award

Bayern Munich striker Robert Lewandowski won the UEFA men's Player of the Year award on Thursday, ahead of Manchester City's Kevin De Bruyne and Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer. Pernille Harder won the Women’s Player of the Year award for the second time. Bayern's manager Hansi Flick became the coach of the season.

"Nonsense about some human rights". New education minister and his worldview

"Let's quit discussing these LGBT abominations, homosexuality, bisexuality, equality parades" - Przemysław Czarnek said a few months ago. First as a voivode, and then as Law and Justice lawmaker, he often discussed the topic of sexual orientation in the media. What he practically never talked about were science and education - the issues he will now be dealing with as minister.

New daily record of coronavirus infections

Poland reported a record number of new daily coronavirus infections on Thursday, with the Health Ministry announcing 1,967 new cases as it battles a rise in cases with new curbs.

Prime minister reveals his new cabinet with Kaczyński as his deputy

Poland's ruling nationalists appeared to have taken a turn further to the right on Wednesday with the appointment of an ultra-conservative education chief in a new cabinet lineup, raising the prospect of new friction with the European Union. Furthermore, the chairman of the ruling Law and Justice party Jarosław Kaczyński has joined the cabinet as deputy PM.

Woman stands up for shop assistant and overpowers aggressive man

He wanted to return two beer bottles, but when the shop assistant refused, he got angry and verbally assaulted her. One of the clients, a woman, stood up for the troubled employee. After a short altercation, the man approached the young woman. She didn't hesitate and swiftly overpowered the aggressive man. The whole incident was captured on CCTV.

Ambassador Mosbacher: when it comes to LGBT, Poland is on the wrong side of history

I have the utmost respect for the religious tradition of the country I'm an ambassador to, but human rights are human rights, they're universal - U.S. Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher said in an interview for Wirtualna Polska portal. She added that using anti-LGBT rhetoric only alienates Poland, which translates into particular business decisions.

Scholars urge EU Commission chief to take firm action regarding rule of law in Poland

Dozens of scholars from esteemed international universities have called on the EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen to act "promptly and meaningfully" in regard to the Polish justice system. "Polish authorities continue to openly abuse, harass and intimidate judges and prosecutors who are seeking to defend the rule of law" - wrote the authors an open letter, seen by TVN24.

Sasin: Kaczyński very likely to join cabinet as deputy PM

As Law and Justice (PiS), we've accepted the composition of the new cabinet, also in terms of staff. The coalition leadership is to finally green-light it on Tuesday - deputy PM Jacek Sasin told TVN24. He added that it was very likely that PiS chairman Jarosław Kaczyński would join the government as one of four deputy prime ministers.