TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

President Duda: The EU needs to review its internal policy

“For the majority of Poles, being a member of the EU is of great value,” President Duda stressed when opening the Economic Forum in Krynica this Tuesday. “The Poles support the EU of ‘open doors’” he added. However, as he stressed, “The EU needs to review its internal policy.”

Macierewicz: Merkel and Macron want Europe to forget Poland's drama

"The destroyed villages and towns have the right to know the truth about what protecting Europe and European values looked like in 1939. Today, we are reminding the Chancellor of Germany, the President of the French Republic and anyone else wishing to erase the Polish drama from the European historical memory about this right" said the Minister of National Defence, Antoni Macierewicz, during his speech at the ceremony commemorating the 78th anniversary of the bombing of Sulejów by Luftwaffe.

Huge bank to open a branch in Poland. Morawiecki: it's 99.9 percent certain

"JP Morgan, one of the largest banks in the world, wants to locate one of its three, four main headquarters in our country," Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in New York. Mr Morawiecki emphasized that it would create more than 20,000 jobs in Poland over the next 5–7 years. "We're offering excellent engineers, IT professionals, and it is highly appreciated by businesses, or financial institutions such as JP Morgan," the Minister of Economic Development and Finance added.

Wałęsa: "I want no awards – nothing, no monuments"

"They cannot believe that an electrician was capable of achieving that, that he could actually see it all through. But I did," said former President Lech Wałęsa in an interview for TVN24’s "Kropka nad i" commenting on the events which unfolded 37 years ago. He underscored that the allegations made by his political opponents were "all lies".

Prime Minister: The latest protests were stage-managed and well-funded

“It is hard to believe that the latest wave of protests was spontaneous, just like the notorious December coup in the Sejm last year,” said Prime Minister Beata Szydło. “It was a stage-managed and well-funded campaign, designed to strike a blow against the government,” she added. Several opposition politicians reacted to her words.

"We cannot simply hold our tongues"

Angela Merkel said could not remain mum about what EU leaders, activists and opposition politicians in Poland says is a lurch towards authoritarianism in Warsaw under the ruling nationalist Law and Justice Party (PiS).

Grzegorz Miecugow has passed away

Grzegorz Miecugow, our fellow journalist and colleague, has passed away at the age of 61. He worked for TVN since it was first established. He was the co-editor of the "Fakty" news service, and since 2005 he hosted "Szkło kontaktowe" on TVN24.

Accident of the police car from the motorcade escorting the head of NATO

A police car escorting the motorcade with the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, collided with a van on Thursday around 8 p.m. Four people were injured: two policemen, van driver and a pedestrian hit by the police car pushed to the pavement. The woman aged around 70 has been already dismissed from the hospital.

"200 billion zlotys over the next 15 years"

Poland will allocate an additional 200 billion zlotys ($55 billion) on defence by 2032 to modernise its army amid signs of growing aggression from Russia, a deputy defence minister said.

The mayor of Czersk responds to the prime minister: this is an attempt to politicise a tragedy

“I consider these words as motivated by the willingness to defend the image and to capitalise politically at the expense of the victims of the storm,” Jolanta Fierek, the mayor of Czersk, wrote in an emotional letter to TVN24. In this way she referred to the statements by the prime minister Beata Szydło and the government spokesperson in which local governments had been accused of insufficient reaction to the last week’s fierce storm.

"Twaddle", "political corruption". Politicians’ reactions to Biedroń’s words on blackmail

“It is just blather and yet I think that he will not be offended by this comparison, although Mr. Biedroń is not a patch on the great fable author bishop Ignacy Krasicki,” this is how Ryszard Czarnecki (PiS) commented on the words of the mayor of Słupsk. Robert Biedroń said on Monday in the “Fakty po Faktach" show on TVN24 that he had been blackmailed by the members of parliament from the governing party.