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TVN24 News in English

Polish Senate passes amended bill securing pay rise for teachers

Polish Senate rejected proposed changes and voted in favour of the newly amended Teachers' Charter that secures pay rise for teachers starting from September 1, as well as one-time bonuses for trainee teachers. The legislation also sets up 300-zloty minimum bonus for educators.

Constitutional Court rules in favour of printer who refused to print LGBT posters

Poland's Constitutional Tribunal (TK) on Wednesday deemed the article of the Misdemeanour Code assuming punishment for premeditated and unjustified refusal of service as unconstitutional. In 2017, a printer from Łódź refused to make posters for an LGBT foundation because of his religious beliefs, for which he was sentenced by a court of first instance. In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld the ruling by the local court and later on rejected Poland's justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro's appeal against the decision. The minister then decided to turn to the Constitutional Court.

Zero income tax for the young. Government adopts draft bill

No personal income tax for those 26 and under. The law will come into force on the 1st of August. This will apply to young people employed both on permanent and so-called junk contracts. This is the latest effort to curb young Poles from emigrating abroad.

The heatwave is back. Heat warnings issued for large parts of Poland

The heatwave is back in Poland. Temperatures of 30 degree Celsius are the expected daytime lows, according to weather experts. The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management has issued heat warnings for large parts of the country, while doctors are cautioning residents to on alert for symptoms of heat stroke.

Fight for Westerplatte. Mayor of Gdańsk spoke with deputy minister of culture

The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage proposed Gdańsk city officials to join the ranks of the honourable committee for the construction of the Westerplatte Museum; the city would like to co-create and co-run the museum, offering land for its construction - this is the result of the meeting between deputy culture minister Jarosław Sellin and the mayor of Gdańsk Aleksandra Dulkiewicz.

ECJ judge Marek Safjan: thanks to EU court's rulings Poland can restore full legal order

All that was said by far in the rulings passed by the Court of Justice of the European Union, including today's ruling, is enough to restore full order in our country - an ECJ judge Marek Safjan told TVN24. He added that he hopes that Poland will act accordingly to the rulings which indicate the need to adjust Polish law to the requirements of the EU law. "Otherwise, our membership in the European Union wouldn't make sense," he underscored.

Driving examiner dies after being hit by a car at a training yard

A 68-year-old woman who was taking her driver's license exam hit the examiner at a training yard of the Voivodeship Training Centre for Drivers in Rybnik, Silesian Voivodeship. The 35-year-old instructor died. The CCTV and dash-cam footage was secured. The prosecutor's office and the police are determining the circumstances surrounding the accident.