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TVN24 News in English

Health minister: medicine supplies are already in Poland

These medicines are already in Poland, they were delivered to wholesalers. People suffering from thyroid and lung diseases, as well as diabetics, should have no problems with buying the medicine they need in the coming days - the Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski said on Thursday.

US Ambassador: Poland is one of NATO leaders

Poland is one of the seven countries that will spend 2 percent of their GDP or more on defense; I've been saying for some time now that Poland is one of NATO's leaders - US Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher wrote on Twitter on Thursday.

Deputy education minister: there were no guarantees everyone would go to high school

Local governments had three years to prepare for this. I'm sure that a vast majority are happy to see more students in high schools - deputy education minister Marzena Machałek said in TVN24's "Fakty po Faktach". She referred to the ongoing high school recruitment process for a double age group. She stressed that "there were never any guarantees" that all applying students would get admitted to high or secondary technical schools, and not to vocational schools.

Deputy science minister quits after controversial comment

I would like to apologise to all those who feel offended by my comment for "Kurier Lubelski", a comment I didn't authorize; nevertheless, in the sense of responsibility, I decided step down as deputy minister of science and higher education - Andrzej Stanisławek wrote on Facebook.

Former communist militia officer accused of shooting at miners in 1981

The Institute of National Remembrance sent an indictment to the District Court in Katowice on Tuesday against the former member of the Motorized Reserves of the Citizens' Militia (ZOMO) special platoon, Roman S. The man has been charged with shooting at protesting miners from "Wujek" coal mine in Katowice in December 1981.

Human rights ombudsman to examine relocation order for prosecutor Krasoń

The Human Rights Commissioner (RPO) has launched an inquiry ex officio into the order forcing prosecutor Mariusz Krasoń to relocate from the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Kraków to a local prosecutor's office in Wrocław. According to the ombudsman, the decision to relocate Krasoń is seen as a method of persecution.

Inquiry into the gas explosion that killed 3 people in Bytom

The District Prosecutor's Office in Katowice on Monday took over the investigation into the Saturday's gas explosion in a residential building in Bytom, that killed a woman and her two daughters. All residents have been evacuated from the building, but the first group are likely to return to their homes on Tuesday.