TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Polish parliament pushes anti-vaccination bill forward in legislation process

Lawmakers took up a citizens'-initiative bill which calls for a liquidation of the requirement to vaccinate, except for certain cases. Getting rid of the compulsory vaccination is being criticised by experts. The National Sanitary Inspectorate is sounding the alarm that in Poland there is noticeable rise in cases of measles compared to the same period of last year.

"Tapes of truth" became a "reheated meal". Law and Justice plays down new recordings

The "tape scandal" is coming back like a boomerang. New recordings published by feature the current prime minister when he was a banker five years ago. Mateusz Morawiecki admits to liberal views, speaks warmly about Angela Merkel and uses a bit of foul language, contrasting the image he presents today. At the time of their release Law and Justice called the recordings "tapes of truth". Now they say they are just a "reheated meal".

Hospital race under police escort after a baby swallowed a safety-pin

A little boy swallowed a little safety-pin and obviously had a very big problem. The parents of the 6-month-old took the the boy to a local hospital where doctors transferred him to a larger hospital. Not by ambulance, however. The parents had to drive him there themselves. While on route, began to choke, so the parents flagged down a police car for an escort and averted greater danger. Once there, however, the child was transferred yet again to another hospital, in Wrocław. Only there, the long story had its happy ending.

A Spanish court is questioning independence of Polish judicial system

First, it was an Irish court that asked, now it's a Spanish one. European court question whether people extradited to Poland will receive a fair trial as there are doubts on the indepedence of the Polish judiciary. The Regional Court in Rzeszów is being asked four crucial questions to which they have 10 days to reply. Depending on the answers, the court in Spain may extradite one of its citizens to Poland, after a warrant was issued for his arrest.

"Tape scandal" returns. This time it's PM Mateusz Morawiecki on the recordings

The so-called tape scandal has returned. This time with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in its crosshairs. The scandal largely affected members of Civic Platform, when they were in the ruling coalition several years ago. Secretly recorded conversations of the politicians and the business elite, were made by waiters at two upscale restaurants in Warsaw. It sparked outrage and accusations of corruption among those politicians and could be seen as a catalist to the shift in ruling party's after the elections. Now the website is reporting that Mateusz Morawiecki was allegedly recorded discussing questionable real estate deals. The prime minister is denying the accusations and there is no proof if such a recording still exists.

Slovakia in shock after a tragic road accident caused by reckless Polish drivers

Reckless race between luxurious cars ended in tragedy. A deadly accident took place in Northern Slovakia. A very risky, high-speed overtaking attempt resulted in a head-on collision. A 57-year-old Slovakian citizen, who was driving from the opposite direction with his family, died in an ambulance. All three Polish drivers who were racing heard charges on Monday.

Law and Justice politicians and property business. "Superwizjer" TVN uncovers the "Radom Pact"

It's loud in the Sejm right now about an investigative report by TVN "Superwizjer" programme. The report uncovered the activities of politicians of Law and Justice, regarding the so-called Radom Pact. The opposition is demanding that during the current parliamentary session, the minister of infrastructure presents information on how and why the planned course of the S12 express way changed, as well as who influenced that decision.

Politically motivated change of heart? ZUS withdrew its case from Supreme Court

There was a complaint, but not anymore. The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) withdrew its appeal from the Supreme Court. In result of the appeal, the Supreme Court sending questions for preliminary ruling to the European Court of Justice, regarding recent reforms to the judicial system. ZUS was concerned that the state budget was losing money, now the opposition is asking what happened that the institution changed its mind, and could this be a political decision.

A priest stands trial for growing marijuana at the vicarage

A priest from Gorzów Wielkopolski has been caught red-handed growing marijuana. He not only smoked the substance, but also made edibles out of it. Although he claimed it was all for personal use, he did share it with others. The priest has expressed remorse, but he won't avoid punishment.

Lech Wałęsa celebrated his 75th birthday with his family and friends in Gdańsk

It was a double anniversary for Lech Wałęsa. In the Baltic Opera House in Gdańsk, the former president celebrated his birthday and the 35th anniversary of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. For the occasion about 500 guests showed up. Among them was the President of the European Council Donald Tusk, who presented Mr Wałęsa with birthday wishes