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TVN24 News in English

Heated parliamentary debate regarding VAT embezzlement investigative committee

Law and Justice representative, Marcin Horała has been named the head of the investigative committee reviewing VAT embezzlement. One of his tasks will be to look into how the issue was handled during the coalition of Civic Platform and Polish People's Party which ended in 2015, when Law and Justice took power. Civic Platform feels there are strong grounds to extend the period to include the current government's time in power. Voices and emotions were raised during the debate ahead of the vote.

Eight people in hospital after designer drugs poisoning in Wałcz

Eight people have been admitted to the hospital in Wałcz, in the Zachodniopomorskie voivodeship. They are believed to have been poisoned by designer drugs and two of them are in serious condition. Some of the affected were brought by ambulance, while some of them came to the hospital themselves. The local police and prosuector are looking into the case.

Commissioner for Human Rights silenced by chairman Piotrowicz

The Commissioner for Human Rights, Adam Bodnar was silenced when he criticised the impartiality of the Constitutional Tribunal and judge Julia Przyłębska. During a session of the parliamentary Justice and Human Rights Committee, chairman Stanisław Piotrowicz lashed out and accused the commissioner of not defending citizens and acting with a political agenda. The session was quickly brought to a close and Bodnar was not allowed to respond.

Former Modern Party MPs denied entrance to the Sejm

In front of the Sejm there were protests. And at the entrance to the parliament, the Marshal's Guard as well as the Border Patrol were searching cars. Three former representatives of Modern Party were denied entrance and they won't be allowed in until the current Sejm's session is over. The order was issued by the Speaker of the Sejm, Marek Kuchciński. He is worried that someone may try to smuggle, in the trunks of their cars, members of the "Citizens of the Republic of Poland" organization.

Fire department: 1.509 storm-related interventions on Thursday

On Thursday, the fire department recorded nearly 1.600 storm-related interventions, mainly in Lesser Poland, Mazovia, Łódzkie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeships, informed the spokesperson of State Fire Service, Paweł Frątczak. One scout campsite has been evacuated.

Changes to European election system passed by the Sejm

Polish parliament passed a bill on Friday introducing changes to the voting system in the elections to the European Parliament. The changes include a provision that each constituency will have at least three candidates for MEPs assigned to it.

Jacek Rostowski questioned by Amber Gold scandal investigative committee

"Until Amber Gold went bust I wasn't interested in the case. I don't believe, however, this scheme would have been stopped had the fiscal institutions been functioning properly. The police, prosecutor and Internal Security Agency all had instruments to prevent the scandal," Jacek Rostowski, former finance minister in the Civic Platform - Polish People's Party coalition government said on Wednesday.

Warsaw. Protest against changes in the Supreme Court

The "Citizens of Poland", the All-Poland Women's Strike, and the Committee for the Defence of Democracy are standing shoulder to shoulder in opposition to further changes to the judiciary. During the protest, a group of people attempted to prevent MP Kornel Morawiecki, a father of PM Mateusz Morawiecki, from entering the parliament. This behaviour was condemned by the leader of Citizens of Poland, Paweł Kasprzak.