TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Kora - the Queen of Polish rock passed away aged 67

"With deepest regret and sorrow we inform that at 5.30 a.m. today, in her beloved Roztocze, surrounded by her loved ones, beloved pets and beautiful nature, died Kora - a great artist, singer, poet and painter," relatives of the artist informed on Saturday.

Cameras help to fight against waste-dumping in Polish forests

Foresters declared a war against people dumping thrash in Polish woods. One can find almost every sort of waste between the trees. The costs of removing the trash goes in hundreds of thousands zloties. More and more cameras are being installed in forests and parks around the country to catch the unsuspecting dumpers.

Senate rejected Presidential referendum. Some blame the opposition and speak of success

Poland's Senate has rejected a motion by President Andrzej Duda to hold a national referendum on the future Constitution. This was the President's flagship project. The upper chamber is dominated by Law and Justice's senators who are supposedly Andrzej Duda's allies. Although the majority of senators decided not to support the referendum, some speak of President's success.

Medicine experts uphold their opinion on Igor Stachowiak's death

Igor Stachowiak took a few doses of toxic drugs and was hit with a taser several times which all led to cardiorespiratory failure - the sworn medicine experts upheld their conclusions from the post-mortem. The experts testified in the case of four policemen accused of overstepping their authority and abuse of an apprehended person. The now-former police officers used a taser on Igor Stachowiak who had died at the precinct.