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TVN24 News in English

Fire department: 1.509 storm-related interventions on Thursday

On Thursday, the fire department recorded nearly 1.600 storm-related interventions, mainly in Lesser Poland, Mazovia, Łódzkie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeships, informed the spokesperson of State Fire Service, Paweł Frątczak. One scout campsite has been evacuated.

Changes to European election system passed by the Sejm

Polish parliament passed a bill on Friday introducing changes to the voting system in the elections to the European Parliament. The changes include a provision that each constituency will have at least three candidates for MEPs assigned to it.

Jacek Rostowski questioned by Amber Gold scandal investigative committee

"Until Amber Gold went bust I wasn't interested in the case. I don't believe, however, this scheme would have been stopped had the fiscal institutions been functioning properly. The police, prosecutor and Internal Security Agency all had instruments to prevent the scandal," Jacek Rostowski, former finance minister in the Civic Platform - Polish People's Party coalition government said on Wednesday.

Warsaw. Protest against changes in the Supreme Court

The "Citizens of Poland", the All-Poland Women's Strike, and the Committee for the Defence of Democracy are standing shoulder to shoulder in opposition to further changes to the judiciary. During the protest, a group of people attempted to prevent MP Kornel Morawiecki, a father of PM Mateusz Morawiecki, from entering the parliament. This behaviour was condemned by the leader of Citizens of Poland, Paweł Kasprzak.

Fire broke out in legendary Gdańsk shipyard

Fire in the historical Gdańsk shipyard. The billowing smoke could be seen from miles around as one of the warehouses was ablaze. Fortunately, when the fire broke out the building was empty and nobody got hurt. Operation to extinguish the flames lasted several hours.

Sensitive documents discovered in an abandoned state-run farm

Court documents, parliamentary voting cards and other sensitive files have been found in an old, deserted state-run farm in Ożarów Mazowiecki, west of Warsaw. Documents that shouldn't have been there. A pile of burnt papers have been discovered and now the police are investigating.

Can a stricter law end designer drugs problem?

Designer drugs seem to have become a real plague in Poland. The subject keeps returning despite many years of appeals. Young people are still using these dangerous substances. Can a new law doling out hefty sentences prevent put an end to this problem?

Igor Stachowiak's case: witnesses and video experts testified in court

Next stage of legal proceedings in the case of four policemen involved in the death of Igor Stachowiak while he was in police custody. Yesterday the court heard testimonies of two witnesses who filmed the apprehention of the victim on a square in Wrocław. Experts who researched the footage from the witnesses' phones and from video recorders at Wrocław - Stare Miasto police station also took the stand.

Constitutional Tribunal: presidential pardon before final sentence is legal

A presidential pardon before a legally binding verdict - that's legal, according to the new Constitutional Tribunal. The handed down ruling concerns the case of former chief of Anti-Corruption Bureau, Mariusz Kamiński. The biggest oppositon party, Civic Platform says the decision has been taken by Law and Justice's "mock-up tribunal".

Supreme Audit Office: bonuses worth million zloty for 17 people

Almost one million zloty for only seventeen people - that's just in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. New facts have emerged in last year's bonus scandal. The Supreme Audit Office has released more information on money received by Law and Justice politicians. The opposition is demanding to know why the money was issued.

Trash dump of Europe. Poland imports tonnes of waste

"Poland is a trash dump" - that's the cry that sounds after every waste dump fire. More and more of that waste is being imported every year - ainly from Germany, but also from faraway countries such as Australia and Nigeria. Here are the details.

"Stop NOP" anti-vaccination group submits a petition in the Sejm

Members of the anti-vaccination "Stop NOP" group have submitted a petition to the Sejm with a civic project for a bill. They declare that it's been signed by over 120.000 citizens. For years, they've been fighting to stop vaccinations from being compulsory. Now they are supported in their initiative by three representatives of the Kukiz '15 movement.

Protesting farmers interrupt PM Morawiecki's speech in Kraśnik

There were whistles and shouts during the unveiling of the Lech Kaczyński memorial. And even the Prime Minister of Poland took part in the ceremony in Kraśnik in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. His speech was interrupted by farmers who were demanding fair wholesale prices for their crops.

Donald Tusk summoned to Amber Gold investigative committee. Decision made without Civic Platform MPs

Donald Tusk will testify before the parliamentary Amber Gold investigative committee. The head of the committee, Małgorzata Wasserman from Law and Justice announced the decision to summon the former Prime Minister was made unanimously. But the MP's from Civic Platform weren't present in the room during the vote and that caused mutual accusations that leaked to the media. The committee wants to determine, whether or not, and to what extent, the state officials were aware of what was happening in Amber Gold.