

Civic Coalition presented top candidates for parliamentary elections

Civic Platform leader Grzegorz Schetyna will be the top candidate of the Civic Coalition in Warsaw in the parliamentary elections that are to take place in October. Former interior minister Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz will top the list in Kielce, former deputy foreign minister in Law and Justice cabinet, Paweł Kowal - in Kraków, leader of the Polish Initiative Barbara Nowacka in Gdynia, and former minister of justice Borys Budka - in Katowice.

PiS leader Kaczyński wants to create rules regulating official flights

I have asked the defense minister, PM's office, and I will also talk to the president about setting up rules regarding official flights. We would like the families of the officials to be able to use government planes in informal situations, after paying normal cruise fees - Law and Justice (PiS) chairman Jarosław Kaczyński told Polish Press Agency (PAP) on Tuesday.

US President Donald Trump to attend WWII oubreak anniversary in Poland

US President Donald Trump will pay a visit to Poland between August 31 and September 2 - the chief of the Polish President's Chancellery Krzysztof Szczerski informed on Tuesday. On September 1, the American President will attend the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the World War Two. Donald Trump confirmed his visit on Tuesday evening.

Floodings and broken trees in Warsaw after heavy storms

Heavy storms passed over Warsaw on Monday. Targówek and Praga Północ districts suffered the most. Earlier in the day, the storm broke many trees in Żoliborz. "In total, the fire service intervened over 170 times," said the spokesperson for Warsaw Fire Department Captain Wojciech Kapczyński.

First LNG transport from Cheniere delivered to Poland

Polish state-run gas firm PGNiG on Friday received the first liquefied natural gas (LNG) deliver from American energy firm Cheniere, under a long-term contract signed in 2018. Polish authorities say that the LNG from the USA is a next stage in the process of building Polish energy independence.

Polish President's aide Krzysztof Szczerski tipped as EU Commissioner

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Thursday after the meeting with the new President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen that Krzysztof Szczerski is Poland's candidate for EU Commissioner. Asked about which portfolio would Szczerski take over, Morawiecki replied that it was too early to comment.