

Łukasz Ciepiela landed his racing plane on the Sopot pier

A small racing plane landed on the pier in the seaside city of Sopot. At its helm was one the best racing pilots in the world Łukasz Ciepiela. He didn't have an easy challenge as the width of the pier is only slightly greater than the wing span of the plane.

Minister Gowin: Polish constitution needs a chapter on EU-Poland relations

The Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin thinks that the Constitution needs a new chapter that would settle the relations between Poland and the European Union. In an interview with Konrad Piasecki, the politician was also asked about the words of President Andrzej Duda, who during the celebration of the Constitution Day said that he wanted Poland's presence in the European Union included in the Polish Constitution. Deputy minister Gowin also talked about the ideas behind the draft proposal, submitted by his own political group.

"Poland is my second homeland" - Georgians build communities abroad

Leri Papidze moved to Poland in 1994 in search of new opportunities. The ceramic artist, who specialises in making 'kvevri', pots traditionally used for making wine, said the assimilation process was slow but now Poland feels like his second home, adding that his talent for meeting people helped him settle in.

Ukraine says clean Russian oil starts flowing from Belarus

Pipeline operator Ukrtransnafta said on Monday that clean Russian oil had started flowing from Belarus towards Ukraine and it was ready to resume oil exports to the European Union following a transit hiatus over contaminated crude.

Irregularities regarding the construction of a huge castle near Notecka Forest

A huge construction project that could soon have huge problems. In question is a castle being built near the Notecka forest. The Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection announced that the decision defining the building conditions would be revoked. Earlier the investor had misinformed the directorate on the size of the area of investment, saying it was smaller than it really was.