

Polish authorities expel Swedish member of a neo-Nazi movement

The interior minister has shared the Internal Security Agency's (ABW) concerns that the presence of a Swedish citizen, Anton T., who is a member of a neo-Nazi movement, was a threat to security, and has decided to immediately expel him from Poland - the spokesman for the secret services minister-coordinator Stanisław Żaryn informed on Thursday.

Accusations of sexual harassment in the Bagatela theatre in Cracow

For years they endured fear, harassment and even sexual abuse. Nine employees of Henryk Jacek Schoen, the director of the Bagatela theatre in Cracow, have finally come forward to tell their story. The director denies all the accusations, and the mayor has informed the prosecutor's office about the case.

Ukrainian hero and his family receive Polish citizenship

It was a life or death situation. After a pile-up on the road cars were engulfed in flames and there were people inside. But this did not stop Andrej Sirowatski who sprung into action and saved the lives of two women and two children. Five months after this horrible accident near Szczecin, Mr Sirowatski, his wife and two kids were rewarded with Polish citizenship.

Finance minister: retirement fund reform to transfer money back to pensioners

With the bill transfering money from the Open Pension Funds (OFE) to the Individual Retirement Accounts (IKE) we are returning funds to the pensioners - the Minister of Finance, Investment and Development, Jerzy Kwieciński said on Wednesday. He added that the reform is to strenghten the retirement savings system.

The Left coalition has chosen parliamentary club leadership and Marshal candidate

Secretary General of the Wiosna (Spring) party, Krzysztof Gawkowski, will stand at the helm of the Left's parliamentary club, Marcelina Zawisza (Left Together) will be the deputy chief, and Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) chief, Włodzimierz Czarzasty will be the coalition's candidate for Deputy Marshal of the Sejm - Polish Press Agency (PAP) learned on Wednesday from sources in the Left coalition.

No common payment system for Poland's toll roads

It's an uphill battle. The streamlining of payment systems on toll roads in Poland is taking much longer than expected. ViaToll was supposed to eliminate huge traffic jams, as were video cameras that read license plate numbers. While these systems are all in operation, the problems have not disappeared.

Murderer released from jail for one day kills woman and child

He was serving a jail sentence for murder and was let out for a one day pass. He killed again. On Tuesday in Warsaw, the double murder case of Artur K. began. The prosecutor believes the man killed his 35-year-old fiancee and her 3-year-old son. He is could face life in prison.

Leaders of opposition parties discuss Senate Presidium composition

Civic Platform (PO) leader Grzegorz Schetyna, head of Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) Włodzimierz Czarzasty and chairman of the Polish People's Party (PSL) Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz met on Tuesday to discuss the composition of the Senate Presidium. According to the SLD chief, no binding decisions were made, and the talks are to be continued.