

New details on internet smear campaign in the ministry of justice

There is more information on the internet smear campaign surrounding the ministry of justice. RMF FM reporters have published recordings of judge Arkadiusz Cichocki talking to the head of the National Council of the Judiciary, attempting to persuade him to employ Tomasz Szmydt - the husband of a well-known internet troll.

Climate activists in Poland demand action from politicians ahead of election

Young environmental activists demanded action from Poland's political parties in Warsaw on Friday (September 27) just over two weeks before the country holds parliamentary elections. Warsaw traffic was brought to a standstill when some 2.000 Warsaw Grand Climate March participants went through the busy streets demanding more ambitious climate policy.

Air ambulance medic blinded with laser. Police are looking for the perpetrator

Police Department in Stare Babice near Warsaw, under the supervision of the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Pruszków, has launched an investigation into the blinding of an air ambulance crew member with a laser pen. "The police officers are looking for the perpetrator," the deputy regional prosecutor, Andrzej Zwoliński informed on Friday.

Health service under Law and Justice rule. Poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24

Four years ago, Law and Justice promised big changes, among others, in the health service. The party annouced liquidation of the National Health Fund, introducing hospital network and state budget funding. In a survey conducted for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, Kantar pollster asked respondents if they had noticed improvement in health care.

European Forum for New Ideas kicked off in Sopot

The European Forum for New Ideas has kicked off in Sopot. The forum is one of the biggest conferences in Europe dedicated to global trends, new ideas and future of the Old Continent. Thursday's speakers talked about the need for climate change education.

Neckermann insolvency. Insurer's guarantee activated to help stranded tourists

Terrible memories, instead of a vacation in paradise. Slowly, tourists affected by the insolvency of Neckermann Polska tourist agency began returning home to Poland. Their stories vary from having to pay extra for hotels to getting thrown out of hotels by police. Those who are still abroad can feel more relaxed because the Masovian Marshal's Office is assuring tourists that the insurer's guarantee has been activated, and there's enough money for everyone's stay and repatriation.