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Donald Tusk praises Civic Coalition's PM candidate Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska

A hope for something better in Polish politics - that's what Donald Tusk said in Brussels about Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska. At the end of campaign the Civic Coalition's candidate for prime minister is getting support from the former PM and former head of the party. Meanwhile, back in Poland, former minister of defense Tomasz Siemoniak, is to be the new head coalition's parliamentary club. Sławomir Neumann stepped down after the publication of his private discussion with activist from Tczew.

Ambassador Mosbacher: from 2020 Poles will no longer need U.S. visas

President Trump made the announcement and the U.S. Ambassador is filling in the blanks. Georgette Mosbacher is convinced that visas will be lifted by the end of the year. The White House had earlier announced that Poland was nominated for the visa-free travel programme, and now it's just a matter of the administrative procedure coming to an end.

Poll: Law and Justice in the lead, four parties in the Sejm

42 percent of respondents declared their support for Law and Justice in parliamentary elections, according to Kantar poll published by "Gazeta Wyborcza". Civic Coalition would secure 29 percent of votes, the Left - 13 percent, and Confederation - 5 percent. Polish People's Party-Polish Coalition would not make it to the parliament with 4 percent of votes.

EU Commission works on another complaint to ECJ against Poland - says EU source

The European Commission is working on preparing a complaint against Poland, to be filed in the European Court of Justice, regarding the new disciplinary system for Polish judges. By Frans Timmermans' initiative, the commissioners are to discuss the issue on a weekly meeting on Wednesday - a high-ranking EU diplomat told Polish Press Agency (PAP).

Charges for man who approached Wrocław Equality March with knives

Regional Prosecutor's Office filed a request in court on Monday for an arrest for the man who had carried knives and tried to approach the participants of the Wrocław Equality March. He was charged with attempted assault on police officers. Furthermore, he was accused with terrorism offence.

Mariusz Szczygieł awarded Nike 2019 - top Polish literary prize

Mariusz Szczygieł has been awarded Nike Literary Award for his book "Nie ma" (which means "Not There" or "Is Not" in English). An existential reportage - that's how the head of the jury, Marek Zaleski, called Szczygieł's book in his laudatory speech at the Sunday's gala in the Warsaw University Library.

Former U.S. Ambassador Daniel Fried on Poland joining visa waiver program

"It was high time to get it done, and now it's done. I'm very happy. I must say that Madam Ambassador in Warsaw, Georgette Mosbacher, was working very hard and she made it," said former U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Daniel Fried, asked about the news regarding Poland joining the Visa Waiver Program. Mr Fried was the guest of Michał Sznajder in TVN24 BIS. The American diplomat also said that he had welcomed the decision with joy and relief.

Subsidies for Polish farmers may be in jeopardy. Minister reprimends his subordinates

There are huge arrears in the payments of subsidies and compensation for Polish farmers. The Minister of Agriculture, Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, is pointing the finger at his subordinates, saying they can't handle the job. He repeats words spoken by the oppostion, but behind closed doors. A recording of his was revealed and now the opposition is asking why the minister officially takes a different stance, and why he won't tell the voters the truth.

Wave of hospital specialist wards shutdowns in Poland

The situation in Polish hospitals is getting worse. In more than eight dozens of facilities, specialists wards were either suspended or closed, and lines to doctors are just getting longer. Specialists alarm that something must be done immediately.

Compensation for smog lawsuit won by actor, journalist and translator

The national treasury will pay out compensation for smog. A fine of 35.000 zlotys is to go to charitable causes. The verdict is not binding and the defense has said it will appeal. The lawsuit against the state came from actor Jerzy Stuhr, journalist Mariusz Szczygieł and translator Tomasz Sadlik.

Scientists detect microplastics in the air in Kraków

The larger particles irritate are airwaves, the smaller ones cause strokes and heart attacks. Plastic is not only in what we eat, but also in the air we breathe. Scientific research is clear, but the scale of air pollution by microplastics is still to be determined.

"FAZ": Poland's Donald Tusk tipped as the new EPP chief

According to German daily "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", Donald Tusk is the favourite in the race for the chairmanship of the European People's Party (EPP). Furthermore, the daily wrote, the leader of the EPP in the European Parliament, Manfred weber, is said to have withdrawn his bid for the position.

Married couple detained after bringing explosive devices to Equality March

A married couple have been charged with possession of "explosive devices" at the II Equality March in Lublin. The husband is said to have prepared the devices at home, whereas the wife of bringing it to the march in a backpack. An expert witness confirmed that if used, the devices could have endangered life and health of many people. The couple from Lublin have been detained for three months.