TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Wild boars stormed a playground in Poznań

A sounder of wild boars invaded a pre-school playground in Poznań. Municipal police and gamekeepers were called in to deal with the unruly bunch. They decided to drive them back into the wild and no further incident was reported.

Law and Justice puts pressure on Marian Banaś to step down as NIK chief

Will Marian Banaś resign? The embroiled President of the Supreme Audit Office is still holding firm, despite the ruling party wanting him to go, for Law and Justice Marian Banaś is becoming a liability. The prime minister announced that he has a plan B to change the laws governing the president of Poland's most important supervisory institution. The opposition, however, says they will refuse such attempts.

Donald Tusk in TVN24: a new chapter in my life has just begun

"Presidency has never been an object of my desire," said Donald Tusk on Monday. The former European Council President, former Polish Prime Minister, and the newly appointed Chairman of the European People's Party was the guest in TVN24's "Fakty po Faktach". Mr Tusk shared his view on a number of topics, including situation in Polish justice system, controversy surrouding the head of the Supreme Audit Office, upcoming presidential election, and the need for a new political force in Poland. The interview coincided with his first day in office as the EPP chief. "A new chapter in my life has just begun," said Donald Tusk.

Auschwitz Christmas decorations removed from Amazon site

Amazon has withdrawn from sale products decorated with images of the former German Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp including Christmas decorations after a complaint from the organisation that preserves the site as a memorial.

Szczecin residents protest against construction of another church

When a new parish is formed, a new church has to built, according to the curia in Szczecin. In this way, new churches are popping up all over the place. For example, within two kilometres there's not just one but five churches. Local residents there are protesting against the construction of yet another one.

Anti-graft office notifies prosecutor over state audit chief's assets report

The Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) has notified the prosecutor's office about the possibility of offense committed by the President of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) Marian Banaś. This was a result of the NIK chief's asset declaration control, in the course of which, according to the CBA, "irregularities have been found". Banaś responded with a statement in which he declared readiness to provide explanation, and that he awaits the end of the case with confidence.

Poland's biggest christmas charity sets grand finale for January 12

On the 12th of January the 28th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is set to take place. Final preparations are underway. At a special meeting with journalists, Jerzy Owsiak presented this year's collection can design that will sent out to teams throughout the world on Saturday.