TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Compensation for smog lawsuit won by actor, journalist and translator

The national treasury will pay out compensation for smog. A fine of 35.000 zlotys is to go to charitable causes. The verdict is not binding and the defense has said it will appeal. The lawsuit against the state came from actor Jerzy Stuhr, journalist Mariusz Szczygieł and translator Tomasz Sadlik.

Scientists detect microplastics in the air in Kraków

The larger particles irritate are airwaves, the smaller ones cause strokes and heart attacks. Plastic is not only in what we eat, but also in the air we breathe. Scientific research is clear, but the scale of air pollution by microplastics is still to be determined.

"FAZ": Poland's Donald Tusk tipped as the new EPP chief

According to German daily "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", Donald Tusk is the favourite in the race for the chairmanship of the European People's Party (EPP). Furthermore, the daily wrote, the leader of the EPP in the European Parliament, Manfred weber, is said to have withdrawn his bid for the position.

Married couple detained after bringing explosive devices to Equality March

A married couple have been charged with possession of "explosive devices" at the II Equality March in Lublin. The husband is said to have prepared the devices at home, whereas the wife of bringing it to the march in a backpack. An expert witness confirmed that if used, the devices could have endangered life and health of many people. The couple from Lublin have been detained for three months.

Private speed camera near preschool. Measurements raise concerns

While there won't be any penal points or tickets from this machine, the measurements give pause for concern. Over only four days, 80 percent of drivers exceeded the speed limit next to a preschool in the town of Chotomów near Warsaw. The speed camera that measured this is a private one, so the data is hard to verify.

Lower personal income tax. Changes come into effect

It's only 1 percent, but for tax payers it matters the most that it's a decrease and not an increase in personal income tax (PIT). The new laws are in place as of Tuesday and mean dozens of zlotys more per person after tax.

Ideas on how to fix Polish health care ahead of elections

There are eleven days until elections. One of the most important topics of the campaign - health care. The system itself is ailing and needs to be fixed. Patients experience this first hand, and politicians have noticed their dissatisfaction. The race is on to present concepts to heal health care in Poland.

Damage and accidents. Gale-force winds have swept through Poland

Gale-force winds have swept through Poland and left one person dead and 18 injured. The extreme weather came on suddenly. The driver of a car carrying four people died after a tree fell on a vehicle. On the A1 highway a truck was flipped over by a gust of wind and the fire department had their hands full. Many places were left without power.

Unusual mission to rescue a moose in Zielona Góra

An unusual rescue mission in Zielona Góra. It took six hours for firefighters to pull a moose out of a sewage canal. A bike rider informed the police after he had seen the moose falling to a ditch while running out of the woods.

Law and Justice vs climate change. Poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24

Poland is blocking the fight against climate change - the French President is urging environmentalists to go to protest in Poland. Thousands of young people took to the streets of Polish cities to strike for the climate and force authorities to abandon coal. In response to these allegations, the Polish Prime Minister has removed plastic cups from his office and presented a governmrnt environmental programme. Meanwhile, we have the latest survey results on how Poles assess Law and Justice's actions in the field of climate protection.