TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Timmermans: Poland's withdrawal from coal will be painful, but inevitable

Frans Timmermans has spoken about Poland's future without coal, in the European Parliament. The Dutchman, who was tapped to lead new European green deals, said that Poland's withdrawal from coal would be painful, but inevitable. He also added that all countries heavily dependant on coal will receive support from the EU, as all states would benefit from such transition.

"Decision Time" debate in TVN24 with excellent viewer ratings

Representatives of the five nationwide parties debated health care, pollution, economy and the rule of law on Tuesday. Precise figures were provided and, as in all debates, there were some acute differences between the candidates. There were also excellent viewer ratings for the TVN24 debate.

Who runs prescription drugs mafia? Report by "Superwizjer" TVN

This documentary is about criminals making money on the ill and vulnerable. Who runs the prescription drugs mafia? What will the criminals resort to in order to protect their business? Is the state doing all it can to deal with this problem? "Superwizjer" TVN journalists expose the mechanisms behind an illegal business, that preys on desperate patients in need of medicines.

Battle of politicians. Parliamentary election debate in TVN24

Parliamentary elections are already this Sunday, on October 13. This means that the candidates and their committees have only a few days left to convince voters to their programmes. TVN24 invited one politicians from each of the five nationwide committees to a debate hosted by Monika Olejnik and Grzegorz Kajdanowicz. Civic Coalition (KO) was represented by Izabela Leszczyna, Law and Justice (PiS) by Marcin Horała, Left by Adrian Zandberg (SLD), Confederation by Krzysztof Bosak and Polish People's Party (PSL) by Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz. The debate was divided into four sections: health care, social policy and economy, climate and ecology, and rule of law.

One of the worst summer seasons in the Tatra Mountains

From June 15 until the end of September, the Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue (TOPR) teams were dispatched to 613 accidents. In the same period last year, the number of interventions was lower by nearly a half - 367. This season is among the most tragic - said TOPR rescuer, Andrzej Maciata.

Janusz Wojciechowski approved as the new EU agriculture commissioner

It took 90 minutes for Poland's candidate for EU agriculture commissioner, Janusz Wojciechowski, to convince the MEPs that he was the right person for the job. It was his second attempt to win the hearts of the agriculture committee. He made it this time - permission was granted. During Tuesday's hearing, Wojciechowski was answering mainly in Polish. "Native tongue allows you to speak from the heart and gives you more confidence," Wojciechowski said after the hearing.

New "Kaczyński's Five" ahead of elections

A new "Five" for the first 100 days of their government. Law and Justice is making new promises, this time post-election ones - if they win election, that is. They are promising to pass laws on smaller social insurance payments, 13th and 14th pensions, and, for those above 40, preventive testing. In four days the electoral silence begins. Voting is set to take place this coming Sunday.

Donald Tusk praises Civic Coalition's PM candidate Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska

A hope for something better in Polish politics - that's what Donald Tusk said in Brussels about Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska. At the end of campaign the Civic Coalition's candidate for prime minister is getting support from the former PM and former head of the party. Meanwhile, back in Poland, former minister of defense Tomasz Siemoniak, is to be the new head coalition's parliamentary club. Sławomir Neumann stepped down after the publication of his private discussion with activist from Tczew.

Ambassador Mosbacher: from 2020 Poles will no longer need U.S. visas

President Trump made the announcement and the U.S. Ambassador is filling in the blanks. Georgette Mosbacher is convinced that visas will be lifted by the end of the year. The White House had earlier announced that Poland was nominated for the visa-free travel programme, and now it's just a matter of the administrative procedure coming to an end.